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I didn't know the fact that, the image of Harry on his knees in front of our suitcases was the last time I was going too see him in the year of 2014.

Today is New Years and the day Harry left me was in October.

Thats more than a month and a half. It still hurts like a fucking bitch.

Let me summarize what I did in that month and a half because boy, it has not been easy in anyway.

I came to Seattle with Louis and went to Rose immediately. She was at Jack's and the place was falling apart. Shaun was breaking under the pressure and the fear of being caught while everybody else in the house was causing mayhem.

Gabriel called me and I made a deal with him. I was going to give him every penny I had and he was going to get permits from the city hall and let us build an orphanage there under the name of an anonymous payer. For his share of the deal, he hasn't decided yet.

He told me it would be a favor and that the time to ask it had to be right. I am scared as fuck of what that could be but I agreed.

The old theatre got crashed to the ground, the area cleared out and the property turned out to have a three acre lot to the right that had a few buildings on top. We decided to give that area to the city and not touch those apartments even though we could have crashed them and used the property. I disagreed.

We decided on a big white building that looked clean, expensive and put together instead of that old thing that was falling apart.

I made sure that the architect of the project made a room with a glass dome for Jack and a room on the corner of the third floor with walls full of glass that looked at the skyline. I just couldn't let those go.

Now, the building process is in motion and we are keeping the residences in a hotel, payed from the money I gave to Gabriel.

Now, I am broke once again, working for the FBI day and night, keeping myself as busy as I can.

Rose has a boyfriend surprisingly. He is a boy from Arizona that ran away but almost died from hunger on the streets. Shaun took him in and Rose says they are in love. Children...

Its New Years and Shaun asked me to come over for a drink and I lied, said I had to be over at the contractors house when I have a mission to attend. Its the last step of my last mission. I am done. Finally. Which also means, I am going to jail soon because I didn't take Louis down.

Fuck my life.

In the last 47 days, I took down thirteen drug cartels. Thirteen. It sometimes takes years to take one down when I managed to the thirteen. Gabriel says I am very talented, gifted really and I laugh at his face. Me?

This is my fourteenth mission. Its the biggest one yet. I have been working on this simultaneously since day one. I was doing operations on three drug rings at the same time and moved onto the next as one was finished but this one never did.

How these work is that first, I sneak in. Many people surprisingly know me from the Payne and Malik murders as they call it. My name is pretty popular also from the work I did with Liam back in the day. We used to do everything from transport drugs to sell them. Everyone knows Louis and who he works for so everyone knows my work with them and what they ask me to do is similar so there is a code of trust. Most of them only call me foxy. My previous street name which I went by.

When I get inside their division and somehow gain their trust, I wait for a weak moment. I wait for a moment of weakness in which they give me too blunt information or something happens that I can put the blame on them. After that its easy. FBI comes in, breaking the door, sometimes through the roof, starts shooting and we take them out.

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