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Harry. Think of Harry. Maybe think of him because he is the only constant in your life right now but because he is simply hope.

No, think of Harry because you love him and you have to survive this for him.

No, think of Rose. She is the only piece of family you have left. Think of her goldy locks and adorable smile. Think of her because you have to survive this for her.

"Get inside." the unknown, rather fat man pushes me inside a room. The lights are off at first but he quickly opens them and I see a couch, a billiard table, a soda machine and some desks. It looks like a lounge.

Grabbing the chain between my handcuffs, he guides me to the couch and pushes me onto it.

My first thought is rape. He is going to rape me.

My second thought is he will torture me.

Mt third thought is that he will kill me. Its my preferences from the options above.

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?" I ask loudly even though it still hurts my head. If I am going to be murdered in this absurd teachers lounge look alike place, I might as well know my killer.

"You want to know that?" He spits on the floor, talking with excessive force. Its pathetic really. He looks panicked. Scratch rape.

"All you do is ask rhetorical questions. Yes. I want to know." I talk, searching his eyes for any honesty. He has really pretty blue eyes for a person like him.

"Okay then. You asked..." he looks at the floor before answering and he opens his mouth to speak just when the door opens again.

A taller guy walks in and examines the image in front of him with hands on his hips. The guy that was about to talk restrains himself and walks to the soda machine and helps himself a coke.

"Can you get me some water?" I ask gulping from a dry throat and the dehydration from my hangover.

The tall guy puts his finger over his mouth for a moment but then runs to the soda machine and gets one bottle of water. He slowly walks to me and I realize he is wearing a suit. A fancy outfit for an organ thief.

He tries to hand me the bottle but the fact that my hands are handcuffs makes him decide against it. Instead, he opens the bottle and slowly puts it on my lips, slightly tinting it for me to drink. I do so, drinking the cold water as he tilts more and more. He stares into my eyes as I do to him to make sure when to stop when I am done. There is no need to since I down the whole bottle.

"You said you wanted to die in there. Why?" The tall guy asks as he throws the empty bottle into a bin. I wipe my mouth on my shoulder as the handcuffs start to irritate my wrists.

"I had a shitty life okay. I have no one to left to think about. My life has no purpose." I try my best and lie. I hope that he buys it and does not have anything to do with Rose.

He nods slowly and looks down at his hands. Great. I have no idea if he bought it or not.

"I am not going to say this is going to be pleasant. But we have to go downstairs and do some business." The one with the blue eyes speak. Its like they even don't want to do it. Definitely scratch out rape.

The tall one grabs me and lifts me off the couch which I am uncertain why they even brought me here. He pushes me lightly and guides me into the end of the room. I realize why we are here when he pushes the billiard table and a passage like a sewage door is placed in the floor. He lifts it, exposing a ladder and a dust cellar type of place.

The blue eyed one goes down and opens the light when the tall one pushes me on the shoulder for me to go down too.

I turn around as fast as I can, dragging my left foot on the floor, causing the tall one to fall on the ground while jumping on the iron gateway and closing it as well as using it as a leverage, I land my foot on the tall ones chest. The door closes with a loud boom behind me, locking the one with the blue eyes inside.

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