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"Horn you out? What?" I start laughing at his sentence. I am already tense and him saying such things gets on my nerves which results on me laughing. He, who was already smiling starts giggling too. I get back up and stop leaning towards him. He does not let my hands go and plays with my fingers as he waits for my laughter to pass.

It does eventually and a dark silence covers the room. I get serious and he does too. I look at him and he clenches his jaw but his eyes are vulnerable.

"Don't keep me in the dark. I know you are holding stuff up. Tell me, I can take it. We can figure this out together." He squeezes my hands and kisses the tops.

Maybe this is the time to go all out. Tell him everything fogging my mind. How bad can it be?

I let go of his hand and sit on the bed. He wheels closer to me and grabs my hands again before I speak.

"I'll start from the beginning. Every detail. You sure?" I look up to him and he nods slowly, unaware of the storm about to hit him. I look down and gulp before continuing.

"That morning, I left the hotel for Zayn remember? I made it to Zayn. There was this stupid guy on the road following me but I dodged him and gave him a few hits to get rid of him. That made me late at least 10 more minutes. Before that, Zayn called me at like 4 or 5 in the morning. He sounded bad, really bad. He wanted me to come over but didn't really set a time so I delayed it until we finished having great sex. So anyways, after I reached his house, the door was unlocked." The tears start coming and my stomach turns. Harry understands my discomfort and holds my hands tighter.

"So the door was unlocked and thats so not like Zayn. I entered his apartment from the dark valley and there was no sound. No rock music in the background, no high people, nothing. No Zayn. Then I found him." Tears roll down my face and Harry wipes them away. I can tell he is freaking out inside.

"He was naked on the bathroom floor, laying on his side, lips blue, under eyes gone a navy dark color. A syringe in his arm. I took the syringe out and then I... I helped him vomit. He woke up for some time and smiled at me. I thought I saved him. I almost got up to get him underwear when I realized he was not breathing. He overdosed on heroin. He does not use heroin. He never did it before. Only weed, sometimes coke but never heroin. He did not know doses, he would never do that. I called 911. Or I did not. I can't remember but at some point, a man was guiding me and I was on top of Zayn, pounding my hands over his heart, trying to keep it beating." The crying overwhelms me so I have to stop and sob for a while. Harry does not make a sound as I do that, only rubs my hands.

"Then- Then some people came and took Zayn. Left me on that bathroom floor. I don't know for how long I was there but Liam found me. He found me- I don't know how but got me out of that house. I was pretty delirious back then but he took me to that bar and had me drinking. He called you along those lines and you came to the bar. I did not want to tell you Zayn died so we got in that argument and you went out the bar and got kidnapped. After you left, I felt really bad so I went out after you and thats when they got me. You know the rest, we ended up in cages." Its a little too much for Harry at this point so he looks away covers his mouth for a while as I wipe my tears and continue.

"Then when I told you I wanted to die and they took me away, they took me to this lounge on the top floors of that building. It was like an office, similar to my fathers cooperation. The fat blue eyed man and tall man, they gave me some water and told me we were going go down to this passage on the floor. The blue eyed man went first and I managed to close the door on him and take the tall man out. When I did, I rushed to you and the blue eyed man had beaten you up. There must be a way from that passage door to the basement we were held in. I don't know. I can't remember what really happened but I remember asking the blue eyed who he worked for and he said 'L' then died because the tall man shot him. Then I shot the tall man and it was such a hot mess. I then called Louis because I did not know what to do and then rescue came for us. You were out most of the time this happened. Then I had a dream. I saw Zayn. He told me people were not who they made up to be and he told me to pack my things and go as far away as I can. Then I woke up at the hospital and came to you. Thats why I left when you yelled at me for lying to you. I thought, if I told you, you would feel responsible and feel sad and I'd rather be the bad guy then get you hurt." I finish my tale and my cheeks are drenched with tears, Harry wheeled himself away from me, looking at the street, eyebrows furrowed. Its too much.

"You had all of that in you and you said nothing. Pretended nothing was wrong. My god." Harry is shocked. Looking out the window, eyes wide and mouth open. He is true though. How did I managed that? Maybe I did not at all.

"Zayn died?" Harry can't believe the words coming out my mouth. He makes eye contact and I nod slowly.

All this time, I suppressed everything. Did not think nor feel any of this stuff. Little by little I start to process it and what I come to realize haunts me.

"Harry-" I cover my mouth and stand up with my Eureka moment. It can't be true. That can't be true. No fucking way.

"What?" He is still caught up in the kidnap and Zayn dying part. I was so stupid. I couldn't realize the most obvious thing in front of me after Zayn had me seeing the same dream every night. I am so fucking stupid.

"We need to talk to Louis." I am eating myself with the curiosity and shock I have inside me. Harry nods lightly, still not aware of the problem we are facing.

"Harry we need a gun. We also need to pack and get Rose. Its Louis." The words leave my mouth once and I regret them the moment they come out.

"Why do you need a gun for?" Louis' crips voice echoes in the room. He was listening. Of course.

"Fuck." I stand looking at Harry, my back towards Louis still. Harry has a shocked expression, still not grasped the whole picture. We won't get out this hotel room alive and he still does not know that. He'll die in shock. Better then having five heart attacks every second from the fact you know you are going to die.

"I had to listen. You were kidnapped for days. God knows what they did or told you." Louis walks closer to me and I tense. I fucked up so bad.

"Sky-" Harry intervenes and wheels closer to me, stepping beside me and Louis. I am shaking but also fucking angry.

"How could you?! How could you do that to us you fucking prick?!" I yell with all the voice I have in me when three armed men enter the room, pointing their guns at us.

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