P!ATD - Brendon Urie

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Coffee Shop Conversations



It had been a quiet day in the coffee shop you owned and ran in downtown LA just off the main street. You had your locals and tourists never strayed down here which meant you had enough business to pay the rent each month and had a good laugh with your regulars. You were just wiping the last table down when you heard the little bell above the door go off indicating you had a customer. You let out a frustrated sigh because it was ten minutes to closing and no one ever came in so usually you got off early.

Throwing the cloth under the counter you straightened your apron and glanced up at the customer. He had his back to you and was transfixed with looking outside, just what you needed another weirdo. You clear your throat and the person turns around, your breath catches in your throat as you take in their familiar appearance. Brendon Urie from Panic! at the Disco was in your coffee shop, looking sexy as fuck but out of breath.

"Err hi I hope you don't mind me hiding in your shop. I was out and then some fans saw me and I ran."

You nodded in understanding, "you wouldn't be the first famous person to hide here, though you seem chattier."

He laughed and made his way towards the counter, you watched as his eyes scanned the menu behind you. When you were younger you were obsessed with his band and you still liked their stuff but not as hardcore as your teenage years.

"I'll have a hazelnut hot chocolate..."

"y/n my name is y/n."

He smiles, "a pretty name for a pretty girl. That's all I'll have for today."

You somehow managed to contain your blush and inner fangirl as you set about making his drink, you notice him take a seat on one of the stools by the counter and you swear you can see his eyes trailing down your body.

"Will it be take out or sitting in?"

"Err take out...the fans should have gone by now."

You were a little disappointed by his answer, of course, he couldn't stay because he was famous and had places to be instead of talking to coffee shop girls. You finish his drink and slide it across the counter, he goes to pay but you put your hand out to stop him.

"On the house, just don't get used to it Mr."

"Thanks, y/n."

He picks up the drink and quickly leaves the shop leaving you alone once more.


It was ten minutes till closing and you'd managed to usher a few stragglers out, all of last night you couldn't get Brendon off your mind. You'd always dreamt of meeting him in person and now you had. The little bell above the door rang and like yesterday you walked behind the counter threw the cloth down and straightened your apron before looking up and locking eyes with the last person you expected to see. Brendon was back and smiling at your shocked expression.

"Err Brendon what are you doing back? I mean I'm glad, are you being chased by fans again?"

It came out in a ramble and immediately you felt like a dork. Brendon threw his head back and laughed.

"No y/n I'm not being chased by fans. Yesterday I found this little coffee shop and it did the best hazelnut hot chocolate I've ever tasted so I decided to come back to get another one. So I'll have two hazelnut hot chocolates to sit in please."

You quirk an eyebrow at him as you jot down the order, you glance around the shop and notice that it's just the two of you, "err Brendon I know you said you liked it but maybe you should only order one."

Band ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon