OM&M - Alan Ashby & Austin Carlile

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I Didn't Mean To Hurt Her


"Alan, do you really think I'd cheat on you? I love you, Alan Ashby. I love you so much that I'm going to marry you and have a family with you. Who told you these lies about me?"

You were trying to calm down your angry fiancé Alan Ashby from your brother Austin's band. He'd come back from tour accusing you of sleeping with your ex behind his back. Hell, you didn't even have contact with your ex anymore. Alan looked harmless but he could get worked up.

You grab his arm and he shrugs you off.

"Amber told me, you sent her messages telling her not to tell me. She cares about me unlike you y/n."

Amber was Alan's ex and also their merch girl because Alan insisted she didn't have feelings for him anymore but clearly she was still trying to break us up. No one in the band liked her, hell I didn't even have her phone number.

"I don't even have her number babe. I don't speak to my ex anymore, but apparently, you trust some jealous bitch over your fiancé and girlfriend of four years. Look me in the face Alan."

You grab his arm again but regret it a few seconds later when you feel a sharp stinging sensation across your cheek.

"She's a good person y/n."

You clutch your cheek and feel tears form, Alan had never gotten violent before.


Amber let it slip that she'd faked the messages and was trying to break my baby sister and Alan up. Alan was pretty mad when we dropped him off at the apartment he shared with my sister. I felt like something bad was going to happen so forced the bus to turn back around.

y/n gave me a spare key so I easily got into their apartment just as Alan slapped y/n quite hard. I was in shock but it was soon replaced with anger, no one laid a hand on my little sister and especially not her fiancé.

"Shit y/n I'm sorry."

"Get away from me Alan."

y/n backs away from Alan looking scared. I clear my throat.

"Get the hell away from my sister Ashby. I never expected you to hit a girl, especially my sister and your fiancé."

Alan turns around and looks scared to see me.

"I didn't mean to hurt her Austin, I get mad sometimes."

It every ounce of self-control I had to keep myself from hurting Alan, y/n wouldn't forgive me. I point at the open front door.

"Get out of my sight Alan until you calm down and find a damn good way to apologise to my baby sister."

Alan bows his head and quickly leaves the apartment. Once he was gone y/n breaks down. I run to her side and cuddle her as she buries her face into my chest, staining my shirt with her tears. y/n was my world and no one was ever going to be good enough for her, but Alan came along and changed my mind, well at least I thought he had.

"Amber told us she lied once Alan was off the bus. I made them turn around. No one lays a finger on my baby sis."

y/n pulls back her eyes red and puffy as she sniffles.

"Thank you for coming Austin, I love you but I still love Alan."

y/n saw the good in everyone including Alan, usually, she was the only one able to calm him down but Amber had three months to poison his mind against her.

"I'll beat his ginger ass in the studio sis, he's not getting away that easily. I'm going to stay the night so you're not alone. How about we watch some Disney?"

y/n's face lights up at the mention of Disney, it was our common love.


After a night to calm down and a scolding from my family and other band members I was ready to face the consequences of my actions. I really needed to work on my anger issues, but first I needed to win both Carlile's back. Austin trusted me with his sister and I ruined it in an instant.

I open the apartment door and notice Austin sprawled on the sofa watching TV while y/n runs around the kitchen. She loves to cook and hates when anyone ruins her organised space. It was one of her many quirks that I fell in love with.


y/n sounded surprised as her eyes locked with mine and I flinched upon seeing the bruise forming on her cheek I caused. The TV shut off and Austin stood up glaring at me, the only reason he hadn't hit me is that y/n didn't believe in violence.

"You better have a pretty damn good apology, Ashby, you hurt the person I trusted to keep safe."

Austin could be intimidating as hell despite his cuddly personality. I shuffle on the sport more nervous.

"You trusted me to protect and love y/n Austin and I betrayed that trust last night. I never thought I'd have to protect her from myself. I love your sister to the point that I don't know what I'd do without her by my side, I will do everything in my power to win back your trust and friendship."

Before Austin could reply I turn towards my beautiful y/n.

"I can't ask you to forgive me because what I did was wrong on so many levels. I know I get angry and I'm going to get professional help. I want you to love me without being scared around your future husband."

y/n walks towards me cautiously and I half expect her to hit me back, but instead, she wraps her arms around my waist and hugs me.

"I can't stay mad at you Alan, yes you hurt me but I'm going to help you and we'll work through this as a couple."

"I don't deserve your love y/n, how do you see the good in everyone?"

She pulls back and smiles.

"Everyone has down days babe but then you have several good days. I guess I'm more chill than my older brother."

Austin clears his throat and I untangle myself from y/n. For a second I forgot he was here. He comes towards me before pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. The Carlile's were a hugging family.

"You every hurt my sister again Ashby and they'll be hell to pay, you can kiss your ginger locks goodbye. If y/n can forgive you then I guess I can too."

My hands instinctively reach for my hair which I loved a lot. y/n laughs before joining the hug.

"This is how it should be, my two favourite boys getting along."

I was happy we'd made up and I was going to get help before the wedding, I didn't want to enter married life with the threat of hurting y/n again.

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