*REQUESTED* MIW - Chris Motionless

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Dance With Me


"See I knew if I got you in to help the routine would get done quicker."

You sit cross-legged on the floor of the dance studio your best friend had dragged you to because she needed help choreographing a routine for an upcoming bands new music video. She hadn't told you which band but apparently it was one of your favourites, you wanted to know who but your friend was very good at keeping secrets from you. The only reason you helped was that you owed her a favour.

"So now you have to go and teach it to a bunch of extras."

Your friend sighs loudly as she picks up her dance bag and the camera she'd used to record you dancing out the whole routine.

"That's the least fun part because they think they know more than me and I'm like bitch please this is my job."

You laugh at her over dramatics. You would never tell her but you were slightly jealous that she got to choreograph for bands while you struggled to pay the rent teaching ballet and contemporary to teenagers and little children.

"I'm teaching the dancers the routine in studio 2 and then the band is coming to watch it this afternoon so I have a lot of work to do. What are your plans for the rest of the day?"

You shrug your shoulders and start to stretch again.

"I'm going to work on my dance a little bit, I need to perfect it."

Your friend rolls her eyes as she leaves the studio.

"It's already perfect babe, don't overwork yourself. See you later."

You're left alone and set about making the studio just the way you like it. You change out of your sweats and into the cotton white lace dress you would be wearing for the performance before closing the blinds and focusing the main spotlight onto the centre of the room.

The song you were dancing to was Bring Me To Life by Evanescence and the routine was quite dark and twisted. Years of dance mixed with gymnastics made you able to bend and contort your body that added something different to your performance. Also once you were in the zone you phased the outside world out and danced like no one else was around, so much so that you didn't hear the studio door creak open.


We had been dragged to this dance studio to sign off on the choreography for our new music video. The girl who had put the dance together for the extras was great, the routine portrayed what the song was but it felt a little safe. I made the excuse that I had to take a phone call and slipped out of the room.

As I walked through the corridors I heard the familiar Evanescence lyrics float towards me, and I found myself following where the music was coming from. I poked my head around the glass window frame outside one of the dance studios and found myself enthralled by the girl dancing alone in the darkened room.

The only light came from a single spotlight in the middle of the room where this girl moved and contorted her body in time with the music. She was portraying the story behind the song and executed each move with precision but it didn't feel safe, I doubted half the extras in the other room could do half the stuff she was doing.

I needed to get closer to her in a none creepy way, I wanted to get to know her. So I walked into the studio cursing the creaky door, but she was so lost in the music that she didn't notice my presence. So I stood there and watched until the routine came to an end. As the last note died out I started to clap which made the girls head snap up and her eyes widened.

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