*REQUESTED* SWS - Justin Hills

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Requested by Basketcase21

Just Friends


"Get your fat ass off me, Quinn."

"My ass is not fat y/n. You love my sexy ass, say you love Kellin Quinn's ass."

You squirm and struggle under your best friend Kellin as he sits on top of you after winning the pillow fight you'd started.

"Fine, I love Kellin Quinn's ass."

"I knew it." Kellin cheers loudly, before getting off you and helping you back to your feet.

Someone clears their throat and you look up and lock eyes with your boyfriend Justin Hills, who Kellin had introduced you to a year ago.

"Hey babe, Kellin and I were having a pillow fight and then he sat on me to rub his victory in my face."

"I could see that y/n. I'm kind of tired, I'll see you at rehearsals tomorrow Kellin."

Justin walks out of the lounge and into the bedroom you shared now he had moved in with you. Kellin shoots you a confused look; normally Justin wasn't as cold and blunt. Lately, though, he'd act this way when you were around Kellin for long periods of time.

"I guess I'll leave you. Good luck with moody Justin."

Kellin hugs you and leaves.

You cautiously walk into the bedroom to find Justin pacing. You clear your throat and Justin stops pacing staring at you with enough anger to make you feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, now you care about me. Now perfect Kellin has gone. What would have happened next if I hadn't come home?" Justin snaps, "I bet you like more than Kellin's ass."

You gasp in shock. What the hell had gotten into Justin? Where was this pent-up hatred coming from? Did he seriously think you were cheating behind his back with Kellin who was happily married?"

"Hold up Justin. Do you think there's something going on with me and Kellin? He's my best friend and he's married hell he set us up, Justin." You yell, feeling your blood boil.

Justin scoffs, "you hug, touch and kiss Kellin like you're a couple. You're only supposed to hug, touch and kiss me that way like a faithful girlfriend y/n."

Now he was calling you unfaithful of all things, you'd never been unfaithful in your life. That was the final straw; he'd crossed a line that you never thought he'd cross.

"I've never been unfaithful Justin. I love you, but you can't see past some stupid jealousy. So we're done, get the hell out of my apartment."

Justin stops glaring not quite sure as to what to make of your threat. To show him you're serious you stand by the bedroom door and motion for him to leave. You expect him to argue and beg for your forgiveness, but he stalks past you with his head held high. It looked like your relationship was over.



I'd avoided going to band rehearsals for the last week saying I was ill. I didn't want to face Kellin after what I'd accused y/n of. How could I have been so stupid as to think Kellin and y/n would cheat? Kellin loved his wife and kids, and I loved y/n but was too much of a coward to tell her I was sorry.

"I knew you weren't ill Justin. Now spill, because y/n won't tell me anything."

I jump as Kellin appears in front of me as I lazily watch TV too lost in my own thoughts. He must have gotten the spare key I'd given Gabe.

"Why are you here Kellin?"

"Okay ice queen, cool it with the cold touch. What's happened? I care about you and y/n, man."

Kellin slumps down next to me and I decide to tell him everything. I half expect him to get mad and flip out at me, but he does the complete opposite and cracks a smile before slapping me on the back of the head.

"You're an idiot Hills. y/n is head over heels in love with you. I love my family, y/n and I have been friends since high school so we're going to be close. I'm sorry if it ever came across as something else Justin."

Now I felt like an even bigger idiot. If I was going to win y/n back I'd need Kellin's help.

"Can you help me win her back Quinn? You know her better than anyone."

Kellin grins, "I thought you'd never ask."


Kellin kept you away from your apartment all day. His behaviour was suspicious, especially when he didn't react when you told him about Justin. He told you things would work out with Justin, and when you asked how he knew Kellin smirked and said Kellin knew everything.

You open your front door and are surprised to smell something delicious in the air and to see candles lit in the hallway. Then you click that someone must be in the apartment, and this was why Kellin kept you busy all day.

Putting down your bag you follow the candles into your dining room/kitchen and gasp upon seeing the table laid out all nice, with Justin stood in the kitchen cooking of all things. You loved homemade meals.

"Justin, what's going on?"

Justin turns around and smiles, "I was a prick for calling you unfaithful and accusing you of cheating behind my back with Kellin. I was jealous and didn't know I had the best girl until I came close to losing you y/n. I love you so much, and hopefully, this meal can help us rebuild the bridge we burned down."

Those were the sweetest words to ever leave your boyfriend's lips. You couldn't stay mad at him now, plus the last week had been super lonely without Justin to cuddle with on the cold nights.

"I think this can work Justin. I love you; now please don't burn the kitchen down."

You walk over to your boyfriend and hug him, he hugs you back and now life felt right again. But you weren't joking about him burning down the kitchen; Justin was a god damn awful cook.

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