BVB - Ashley Purdy

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Earthquake Blues


"y/d/n' come and say goodnight to daddy."

Your two-year-old daughter clambers onto the bed next to you and you see your husband's face light up on the laptop screen. She was the spitting image of her father Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides; it was scary sometimes how alike they were. You once joked that she'd have guys wrapped around her finger when she was older but Ashley got serious and said no guy would ever be good enough for his little princess.

"Hi daddy, I miss you lots and lots."

Your daughter made hand gestures which had both you and Ashley laughing.

"Are you being a good girl for mummy?"

She nods, "yes I am daddy. Me sleepy now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight princess."

You kiss your daughter on top of her head as she snuggles against you and yawns, "I'll tuck you in once I have a word with daddy okay?"

"Okay mummy."

You turn back to the laptop and see Ashley smiling, "God I miss my two girls, but this leg of the tour will be the best I think. I'll have to bring you to Tokyo one day."

"You keep doing what you love and we'll always be here when you get back. How's sound check going?"

Ashley shrugs his shoulders and looks over his shoulder where the rest of the band was talking before looking back at you, "we're all pretty pumped for tonight's show."

Suddenly you noticed Ashley's phone shake a little, you put it down to the way he was holding his phone until Andy cursed loudly behind him. A look of shock passed over Ashley's face as he struggled to keep upright.

"Ash babe what's going on?"

Then the connection dies leaving you with no answer and the last image of your husband is one of shock. What was happening in Tokyo?

"Mummy where did daddy go?"

Your daughter sits up and clutches to you. You try to call him again but it reads no connection, you grab your phone and it goes straight to his voicemail. Maybe there was something online, every little thing could be found somewhere online.

You open a news page and your eyes bulge at the headline of the breaking news 'Deadly earthquake rocks Japan, many feared dead!'.

"Mummy who's dead?"

You forgot for a second that your daughter was looking at your screen. You didn't want to think the worse, Ashley and the rest of the band were fighters. They were in Tokyo, yes Japan was known for its earthquakes but Ashley would be okay. You just had to keep telling yourself that as well as your daughter.

"Daddy's okay, he's strong. No one's dead, the news can exaggerate sometimes love. I'm sure he'll ring us back when he's got to safety."

Your daughter nods and you put your laptop down with shaky hands. You prayed Ashley and the rest of the band were fine; one phone call was all you needed to assure you that your husband was coming home from tour.

"Let's get you tucked in little one. I'm sure daddy will ring soon."

You carry your daughter to her room across from yours and tuck her into bed, she falls asleep quickly not quite grasping the situation at hand. Oh to be a child and to be naive of the world, this left you alone to worry.

A couple of hours had passed and you were glued to social media and watching the twenty-four-seven news on the TV. The earthquake was worse than you first thought; the images were hard to watch. Buildings had collapsed trapping people and a huge tsunami was spreading across the coast making its way towards the nuclear plant.

Negative thoughts crossed through your head, you'd always been a worrier and Ashley hated when you came up with worse case scenarios. But the look of shock on Ashley's face might be the last image you remember of him, you wanted to see his smiling face as he played with your daughter. You simply wanted him back home in your arms where you knew he'd be safe.

Two more hours pass and you doze off curled up on the sofa with a blanket thrown over the top of you. By your face your phone vibrates waking you up immediately, it's a Skype call from Ashley. As suddenly as the nerves and fears came over you they quickly vanished as you hit accept.

He was sat on the edge of the bed and behind him, it looked like ceiling panels had come loose and there were a few wires hanging down. His face is one of relief.

"Sorry about the scare babe."

"Are you okay Ash? Is the band okay? The connection went dead and I kind of freaked out a little. I managed to assure y/d/n that you were alright and I think she believed me because she fell straight asleep."

You twirl a loose strand of hair around your finger as you wait for Ashley's answer, "we had to leave the building still with our guitars on us as we were told it wasn't safe inside. The whole place was shaking and me and the guys didn't know what to make of it. They're okay, just trying to get in touch with loved ones. We had to wait for it to stop and then finding transport back to the hotel was hard with the road damaged, I'm sorry for putting you and our daughter through that."

You nod as he tells you the details, as much as you were scared it was probably much scarier for him since he actually lived through it. Whereas you saw news footage and tweets which didn't put you directly in the action.

"Its bad babe, the news is saying the nuclear plant might explode and people have already died. I love you and just want you safe as selfish as that sounds."

"I think the tour manager is doing everything to get us out of here as soon as we can. I want to be back at home with my two girls and put this behind me. I love you y/n."

You smile, "I love you more Ash. Stay safe and get home to us okay?"

He chuckles and mock salutes you, "I've got to go now band meeting. I'll call you when I have more news, now go to sleep I know its early morning there. Goodnight."

You blow him a kiss before ending the call. You lean back on the sofa and breathe a large sigh of relief and smile knowing that your husband is safe and will be home soon.

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