MIW - Ryan Sitkowski

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Get Naked With Me


"Ryan I hate this heat and the air con is broken."

You moan and flop onto the lap of your roommate Ryan who was playing a video game.

"I wish you would stop walking around naked all the time y/n."

You roll your eyes, "I'm wearing clothes Ryan, shorts and one of your shirts count. Blame it on the heat."

You climb off him noticing your roommates' eyes lingering on your ass. Did he have a crush on you? You wouldn't mind jumping his bones, but you didn't want to ruin your strong friendship.

"I'm going to take a nap, Ryan."

Ryan grunts and goes back to playing his game.


God y/n was making it harder to resist her, this damn heat wave and broken air con meant she was wearing less and less clothing. And to make me feel hornier she'd taken to 'borrowing' my clothes which were baggy on her small frame.

Ricky rings me and I pause the game, only he knew about my little issue with y/n. Ricky found it amusing that I couldn't just ask her out, but I was convinced she'd turn me down because we'd been friends for so long.

"How's my Ryan doing this fine day? Still having your little problem?"

Ricky could be a little shit when he wanted to be because he knew I couldn't punch him through the phone.

"I swear y/n does it on purpose Ricky. I want to tell my best friend I'm in love with her, but I'm afraid she'll reject me. But god does she look good semi-naked."

"You love me, Ryan?"

I freeze upon hearing y/n's voice behind me. Down the line, Ricky can't control himself and laughs like a maniac.

"Now you've gone and shot yourself in the foot Sitkowski, you're on your own. Olson out."

Ricky hangs up leaving me to deal with a confused y/n. I put my phone down and turn to face her.

"Do you love me Ryan?" she repeats.

"I think I do y/n. Do you love me?"

y/n grins and throws herself at me, I hold onto her as she all but straddles my lap on the sofa. Did this mean she loved me?

"I've loved you for the last five years, Ryan. Now we can walk around semi-naked together."

I let out the breath I'd been holding and smile up at her. I'd dreamed of this day and now it had come true. Ricky was going to have a field day and demand to be my best man.

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