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Lift Your Spirit


You'd known your husband Max from his early Escape The Fate days and started dating. When he joined Falling In Reverse he asked you to marry him. You said yes and had a beautiful wedding. Max was passionate about music and you'd stuck by all the different band changes over the years.

You have three children. Rosie your daughter who was 8, and twin boys Alex and Pete who were 5. It could quite a handful when Max was away touring but you coped and Skyped almost every day. His new band Violent New Breed hadn't long released an EP and was touring nonstop to promote it. You knew from the recording process that Max was stressed, but he always put on a brave face in front of you and the kids.

Rosie's godfather Ronnie was over with his daughter when he pulls you into the kitchen with a serious look on his face.

"Have you spoken to Max recently y/n?"

You shake your head and lean against the counter.

"We usually Skype so he can see the kids before bed. But the last few nights he's come up with excuses."

Ronnie sighs and that's when you know something is wrong.

"According to the band he'd been really down recently, he plays and then he sleeps. Have you thought about taking the kids to see him? Maybe they'll cheer him up."

It was a great idea, seeing the kids in person would be better for him than seeing them through a screen which he was used to. Once Ronnie left you'd be sure to book a flight for this weekend.



I felt bad for ignoring y/n and the kids, but I didn't want them to see me in my current depressed state. My bandmates were also starting to get sick of my mood swings and swore to do something about it.

I play through another show with a fake smile, just wanting to get back to the bus to sleep. The other guys jumped around like excited children as we got back to the bus, they were my kids away from home.

"After you Max."

I step inside the bus and flick on the lights, only to be tackled to the ground by two small people.

"Surprise dad!"

My sons Alex and Pete jumped on top of me wearing huge smiles. If they were here that meant my daughter Rosie and wife y/n would be around somewhere.

"Boys get off your father, let me and Rosie see him please."

y/n manages to get Pete off of me while I grab Alex and stand back up. I pull y/n into a hug and kiss her lips, god I missed her so much.

"Don't I get any love daddy?"

Rosie tugs my shirt and y/n chuckles before taking Alex off me so I can focus on my little princess, who was a spitting image of her mum.

"Come here princess, daddy's missed you."

Rosie throws herself at me and my mood increases. It was a lot better seeing my wife and kids in person than through a computer screen.

~2 Hours Later~

y/n climbs into my bunk after getting the kids off to sleep in two of the spare bunks. I hold her close and kiss the top of her head as she rests on my chest.

"Thank you for bringing yourself and the kids out. I'm sorry I've been avoiding your calls, I didn't want you to see me depressed."

y/n strokes my chest and sighs.

"I've seen you at your very worst and at your very best Max. I'll always be your personal cheerleader as will the kids. Next time be honest with me, then maybe we could have come down earlier. I love you, you stupid fool until death do us part."

I chuckle "I love you to y/n. I'll never keep secrets from you again. I'll always be your stupid fool."

My family gave me strength, now hopefully I could go back to my happier self and throw myself back into the music and putting on a good show for fans.

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