*REQUESTED* MIW - Chris Motionless

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Requested by IrisEnigma

Odin The Ferret


"Calm down man y/n's going to love him. She's always wanted a unique pet and now the two of you have one."

Ryan pats me on the back as I hold a box with a ferret in on my lap in his car. How the hell I let him and the rest of the band talk me into adopting a ferret I'd never know. y/n always went on about how cats and dogs were nice pets, but not unique because every other person in the world had one or the other. She wanted us to have a pet that would stand out from the rest.

Don't ask how Ryan even knew a guy who bred and raised ferrets, but he did and now I'd adopted one. I wasn't sure at first if ferrets could even be kept as pets, they didn't seem tame and well-behaved enough. But when I saw the ferrets in the pen my heart melted, and I chose the one who liked cuddles and crawling all over me.

"Okay, Ryan here goes nothing. If y/n hates him then you might just find a ferret in your pants, Sitkowski."

Ryan rolls his eyes as I get out of the car holding the squirming box tightly. Unlocking the front door of the house I shared with my fiancée y/n. I walk inside and immediately y/n pounces on me from out of nowhere.

"What's in the box Chris?" she claps her hands together jumping up and down on the spot like an excited child.

"Guess y/n."

y/n taps her chin, "chocolate...wait no...a human head..."

"Just open it, babe, you wanted a unique pet and Ryan knows a guy."

I hand her the box and she takes the lid off carefully. Her eyes widen and she gasps loudly as she picks up the ferret who immediately cuddles against her chest.

y/n awes, "oh Chris he's beautiful. Let's call him Odin. I love you so much right now."

I let the breath I'd been holding out feeling happy that y/n liked him or Odin as he was now called.

~Few Hours Later~


You and Chris play with Odin who had qualities of both a cat and a dog which made him even more adorable. One question still played on your mind as you watched Chris dangle a piece of string in front of Odin who tried to catch it.

"How does Ryan know a ferret guy?"

Chris shrugs his shoulders, "we learned to stop questioning Ryan a long time ago y/n."

~Bed Time~

You and Chris were cuddling in bed when you see the sheets move at the foot of the bed. Next thing you know Odin pops his head out from beneath the covers looking between you and Chris as if asking for permission to sleep in bed with you.

"He's so cute Chris. He wants to sleep with his mummy and daddy."

Chris groans, "Odin's going to be a cock block isn't he?"

You laugh and move away from Chris allowing Odin to curl up in between the two of you. Chris should have planned ahead, but you were going to make it up to him tomorrow.    

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