OM&M - Austin Carlile

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Lady and the Tramp


You loved your job more than anything in the world, you got to work in the Disney Store. It was your favourite shop as a kid and your obsession with Disney put you at the top of the staff. Your boss saw your passion and would allow you free reign of the shop on less busy days because you knew how to light a fire under new employees. Today was one of those less busy days where the store was dead, this meant you were alone on the shop front while the others took their lunch break.

You were in charge of restocking the plushies and only had the Lady plushies left to put on the shelf. Lady and the Tramp was one of your favourite films growing up, you even had it on video which made you ancient amongst the other staff. You knew the film almost line for line and could sing the songs in your sleep.

You sneezed and dropped the Lady plushie in your hand but it never hit the floor because some tattooed arm caught it.

"Will you be the lady to my tramp?"

The voice sounds familiar, but it's not until you look up and your eyes widen that you realise who's in your store. Austin Carlile, the one and only was stood in front of you grinning and holding a Lady plushie. Wait, was he flirting with you?

"Smooth Mr Carlile, I might just have to take you up on your offer. But first what the hell are you doing in my store?"

He laughs and you feel the earlier nerves leave you.

"I love Disney, I mean I really love Disney and whenever we're in town I have to buy something."

You motion to the plushie in his hand.

"I think Lady's quite attached to you."

"It looks like she is y/n. Thank god you have a name tag otherwise this would have become awkward fast."

You cash Austin up and hand him his receipt, he takes a pen out of the pot by the till and scribbles his number on the piece of paper.

"How about we meet up after your shift Lady?"

You had to keep your calm levels under control; Austin Carlile was kind of asking you of all people out.

"I'll see you then tramp."

He nods and smirks before walking out of the store whistling 'He's a tramp' under his breath. You wait a couple of minutes before letting your internal fangirl out, and originally you weren't going to come into work today because you had a slight headache.

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