*REQUESTED* AA - Denis Stoff

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Requested by _Imagines_FanGirl

She's Yours


You get a text from your best friend Ben telling you that Denis was shitfaced drunk again and that he was dropping him off at your place because the band didn't want to deal with him anymore. This wasn't the first time Denis had gone out and gotten beyond wasted, usually, he went with the band and they were able to keep him under control but this last month he used any excuse to go out drinking.

The worst part was when he'd come home drunk in the early hours of the money and demand you do things for him. You wanted to sleep but Denis could become scary when drunk, so you usually just let him get away with things and then block it from your memory the next day when he'd wake up and be his old sober and loving self.

"Baby, I want sexy cuddles."

Your boyfriend's voice echoes through the flat as he shouts at the top of his lungs. Tonight was the night you drew the line, especially since you'd found out earlier the reason why you'd been feeling sick and throwing up. You were pregnant and wanted to tell Denis when he was sober.

"There you are y/n, give me sexy cuddles."

Denis bursts into the bedroom and tries to get into bed with you but you shove him quite hard, and in his drunken state he falls off the bed and onto the floor.

"Not tonight Denis, you're drunk again which is no big surprise. You can have the bed and I'll sleep on the sofa."

Just as you go to leave the bedroom you feel something sharp dig into your wrist, and next thing you know you're being pinned against the bedroom wall with Denis stood over you looking beyond pissed. You hiss as he digs his nails into your wrist just enough to draw blood.

"Get off me, Denis. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Denis shakes his head, "you need to learn your place y/n. When I say I want something I get what I want, understood?"

You shake your head, "You're hurting me Denis please get off."

Denis releases you reluctantly but the sinister smile on his lips tells you he has other ideas, so you knee him in the balls and watch him fall to the bedroom floor cursing you and calling you every name under the sun. You'd never been afraid of Denis this much before, you didn't know what he was capable of any more so grabbed your phone and bag before slipping on some shoes and ran out of the flat you'd bought together not quite sure when you'd return.



Six months I'd been sober. After that night with y/n, I went into a worse downhill spiral which I never thought I'd come out of alive. How could I have laid a finger on my beautiful girlfriend? She was perfect in every sense of the word and I scared her when I should have loved and protected her from people like myself. Ben and the band were beyond pissed at me and refused to tell me where y/n had run off to for her own safety. It took nearly being kicked out of the band for me to admit that I needed help for my drinking problem.

Today I was craving coffee so popped into the nearest shop, only to be stood behind a woman pushing a pram. From behind, I swear her head looked familiar, but I didn't know any women with kids. The woman gets her order and when she turns around both our faces pale in realisation at who's stood in front of us.

My y/n was stood in front of me looking more radiant and beautiful than what she did a year ago. I guess now she wasn't around me she could feel safe. My eyes are immediately drawn to the pram and the little girl who looks up at me with wide eyes that scarily resemble my own.

"Denis...err how have you been?"

"Good y/n. You still look beautiful. I see you moved on, I hope he treats you better than I did."

y/n smiles weakly and motions for us to move out of the line and grab a table so we could talk. I make my order and the barista says they'll bring it over. At the table, y/n plays with her fingers while the little girl giggles and stares at me, I always wanted to have kids with y/n but now I'd lost my chance.

"Denis I never moved on from you. She's yours actually; I found out that day and wanted to tell you when you sobered up."

I look down at the little girl and notice small similarities, yes she looked more like her mother but she had my eyes and nose. Now I felt really bad for how I treated her, y/n needed someone there for her but I was too lost in the drink to care about anyone but myself.

"I'm six months sober. It was hard at first, but I knew the bottle was going to kill me one day and I didn't want that. I dreamed what it would be like seeing you again y/n, I just never expected to have a daughter. She's a cutie by the way."

y/n looks at me sympathetically before leaning down to unbuckle the baby girl, "I left because I didn't want a drunk raising our child Denis. Would you like to hold her?"

I'm shocked as y/n holds the little girl towards me. I didn't want to break her because she looked so small and fragile.

"Are you sure y/n?"

y/n nods and I take the little girl off her and hold her like I saw y/n hold his own child. I half expect the girl to start crying, but she smiles of all things and tries to grab my finger. Across the table y/n laughs.

"I think she knows who her dad is Denis. Do you want to be a part of her life?"

I nod, I wanted nothing more than to be in my little girl's life, someone had to scare the boys off when she was older.

"I'll do anything to be in her life and yours again y/n?"

"Promise you'll never touch a drink again, and that you'll never lay a finger on either of us."

I nod frantically, "I promise a thousand times over that I've changed for the better y/n. I'm going to regain your trust and love while being the best father this little one deserves."

The barista comes over and puts my coffee in front of me but I was too engrossed in watching my daughter. Across the table y/n smiles and takes a picture on her phone, this was the start of another new chapter in my life and I wasn't going to mess it up this time.

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