AA - Ben Bruce

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Dirty Little Secret


If you had to see another sleazy headline about your boyfriend Ben Bruce being all over other girls while out drinking with the band, you were going to go crazy. You met Ben while working on an Asking Alexandria video shoot as the makeup artist, and the two of you hit it off. You loved Ben and vice versa, but Ben was afraid of how the fans would react so kept your relationship hidden much to your annoyance.

You were getting your makeup kit ready for a photo shoot tomorrow when Ben walks into the bedroom. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist before nuzzling your neck making you giggle from his light stubble.

"Hi, baby, god you look beautiful. I'm so lucky to call you all mine."

You smile, "Ah you're too sweet Bruce. But am I really yours?"

Ben pulls back and in the mirror you watch him move to sit on the end of the bed.

"Not this again y/n. You know I'm doing this to keep you safe from the hate."

"Bullshit Ben, we've been together for four months. I have my own fan base that ships us like crazy. Sometimes I think you don't want to announce our relationship because you like partying and living the single guy life."

You get up from the desk chair and turn to face your boyfriend who had his face in his hands. When he didn't answer you knew you had your answer. Grabbing your makeup kit you storm out of the bedroom, but not before stopping to get something off your chest.

"Ben I'm tired of being your dirty little secret. Goodbye."


I'd just let the best thing walk out of my life and it was my entire fault. She was right we'd been together for months and should have told the fans, but I was scared of getting hate from the fans that were already 50/50 on y/n being in my life. If y/n didn't care what they thought then why should I? If I let her go then I was letting the fans win.

Pulling out my phone I open Twitter to compose a new tweet. I had so many cute pictures of y/n and I together saved on my phone, I just needed to pick the right one to announce our relationship.

@benjaminbruce: I'm dating the most beautiful and talented girl in the whole world. @y/Twitter/n you'll never be my dirty little secret x


Your Twitter was blowing up and you couldn't understand why because you hadn't tweeted anything all day. After getting into some comfy clothes you curl up on the sofa in your flat and open the Twitter app. You're gobsmacked to see Ben's most recent tweet announcing your relationship to the world.

A knock on the door pulls your attention away from the phone. You get up and open the door revealing your boyfriend holding a large bunch of roses, a box of your favourite chocolates and the cutest teddy you'd ever seen.

"y/n I was an idiot for treating you that way. Please forgive my stupid ass, I love you y/n."

You grin like a madman and throw yourself at Ben. He drops the flowers and chocolates and picks you up around the waist before spinning you around making you giggle.

"I love you, Ben Bruce, now come inside and make it up to me."

Ben nods and walks into your flat still keeping you wrapped around his waist and shuts the front door behind him. Ben was very good at making it up to you.

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