AA - Denis Stoff

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Requested by DemDifferentStories

Demon Denis


This job shouldn't have been this hard to carry out. I was tasked with taking the souls of the y/l/n family, and that included their daughter y/n. I took souls all the time and I always did it with a smile. y/n's family weren't nice people; her father gambled all their money away, her mother slept with anything that had a pulse minus her father, and her older brother was abusive to girls and got away with his crimes.

y/n was different, she didn't care about money or materialistic things. She was content living like everyone else. She also had a heart of gold and saw the goodness in everyone, the opposite of her whole family. I didn't want to take her soul and condemn her to hell.

I got close to her and fell in love with her curiosity of all things mythological and supernatural. I dropped hints about demons and she didn't seem too scared, in fact, she managed to see the good in all dark beings.


Denis was different; he came out of the blue and made your life exciting. He didn't judge you for who your family was, he wanted to get to know you and you very much enjoyed his company.

One night you hear voices coming from down the hallway and you creep out of your bedroom letting curiosity get the better of you. Denis joked it would get you killed one day, but what did he know?

You walk past your brothers and parents open bedroom doors confused as to why they were open and no one was inside. You follow the voices which lead to your father's study and watch through the door which had been left slightly ajar.

Your father, mother and brother looked terrified as a creature stood in front of them with their back to you. The creature looked human but had stunning black wings protruding from its back which you just wanted to touch.

"We won't let you take our soul's demon. How about a trade?"

So the creature was a demon, you were shocked that they were actually really but also intrigued at the same time. The demon tilts his head when your father mentions a trade.

"What could you possibly trade for your tainted souls?"

The demon sounded kind of gravely but you swore that you'd heard that voice before. Your father takes a bold step forward and clears his throat.

"You demons like playing with pure things. I have a daughter who's pure and innocent. Take her instead of us and have some fun with her."

Tears stream down your face, your father was willing to sell you to a demon instead of his. Your mother and brother take a step forward and you pray it's to defend you.

"She's worth all three of us demon-"

"She won't put up a fight, you could even sell her to another demon."

You clench your fists and feel anger boil up inside you at the betrayal of your own family. Keeping your breathing under control you push the door open and storm inside, your family looked stunned by your sudden appearance.

"You sick bastards, I'm your daughter and you're talking about selling me like a piece of meat."

Your mother goes to walk towards you but the demon raises his hand stopping her in her tracks.

"I'll never take your daughter. She's too beautiful to have her soul taken. You should be disgraced at yourselves, I'll take pleasure in taking your souls and give each of you a single year on earth before I return to drag you three to hell."

The demon chuckles and snaps his fingers, your family fall to the floor unconscious but still breathing. You gasp and cover your mouth.

"Will they wake up?"

"They will y/n, I meant what I said about you being beautiful. This is the real me."

The demon turns around and you come face to face with Denis, the boy you had a crush on. His eyes were pitch black and teeth slightly sharpened, and the wings were different. But he was still Denis. With cautious steps, you walk towards him until you stop in front of his shirtless chest which was covered in strange markings and symbols. He watches as you trace your fingers across the patterns.

"Are you going to hurt me, Denis?"

Denis grabs your hand, "I'll never hurt you y/n because I'm in love with you."

"But you're a demon and I'm a human. This is a stranger love story than Twilight Denis."

He chuckles, "will you be my Valkyrie y/n? Then why you're ready I can make you a demon and we'll be immortal together here on earth or down in hell. It's really not as bad as everyone pictures it to be."

Could you become a demon? Did you love Denis? Yes, you did, and you would get used to his demon side. You wanted adventure and Denis could give you that and way more.

"I love you Denis and I will become your Valkyrie."

Denis smiles and lets go of your hands moving one hand up to cup your chin, "shall we seal it with a kiss? I just want to be able to finally kiss you and be able to call you mine."

A wave of bravery washes over you and you stand on your tiptoes before kissing demon Denis. His lips morph with yours like they were made for each other. This whole experience was surreal, you were now dating a creature of hell.

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