P!ATD - Brendon Urie

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You're His Stylist


It was one of your rare days off, whenever you tried to explain to people that you were a stylist they always assumed it was an easy job. However when you mentioned that you styled Brendon Urie from Panic! at the Disco they looked at you as if to say 'who the hell is he? Is he famous?'

You knew the guys from high school and Brendon persuaded you to skip to join the guys as the group stylist. You were always into fashion whereas your parents wanted you to become a lawyer like your older sister and brother, Brendon became your rock during that time and the two of you grew close.

You remembered styling the guys for their first video I Write Sins Not Tragedies and having so much fun that you knew this is what you wanted to do for the rest of your life. It also helped that the band were like a family to you.

Now nearly ten years down the line you're still doing what you love, you're still going on tour with your best friend while styling him for award shows, music videos and interviews. Brendon was always willing to experiment with his look and you were more than happy to comply.

Today you planned a peaceful day of watching Netflix because Brendon had assured you he could dress himself for one award show. However halfway through an episode of House your mobile rings and Brendon's number pops up on the screen so you answer.

"Thank god you picked up Y/N. I have less than three hours before I need to leave and I don't have anything to wear," Brendon speaks overdramatic as usual.

You can't help but roll your eyes as your best friend whines at you down the phone, you kind of expected this phone call which is why you were prepared.

"Deep breathes Brendon. Now I knew something like this would happen so I went out and got you a whole outfit, it should be in a black bag hung in the wardrobe near your shirts."

You had bought Brendon a plain black shirt, black trousers and a metallic gold jacket with matching shoes because you knew he was going through a stage where he liked to 'sparkle' as he put it.

Over the phone you could hear him moving stuff around in his wardrobe, you swore the guy had a bigger closet than you and you loved to buy clothes. The moving stopped and you could hear the unzipping of a bag and then silence.

"I don't know what to say Y/N. Damn, I'm really going to sparkle tonight."

You can't help but laugh, you're glad he liked it. Then again he rarely hated anything you put him in, "you could start with a thank you and make sure you send me a selfie so I can see how well you pull it off. Now shoo I'm watching House."

Brendon clears his throat, "thank you, darling, I'm going to be the king of the ball tonight. I'll call you later bye."

"Bye Brendon, have fun."

Brendon hung up and you resumed the episode of House he'd interrupted. You couldn't believe that this was your life now, you were actually paid to give people advice on clothes and makeup. Yes you're family still didn't approve of the lifestyle but you were doing something you loved and no one could bring you down.

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