FOB - Pete Wentz

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Out Of My League


Another Friday night another party you and your boyfriend Pete had to attend. You liked the excuse to doll yourself up and spend some money, Pete also liked you modelling outfits for him and occasionally you never made it past outfit number two because he couldn't keep his hands off you.

Before you met Pete you weren't exactly an outgoing person and you'd rather wear sweats and order pizza instead of partying with VIPs. Pete bought you out of your shell and slowly you became more confident in your own skin and started to relax more around people.

Tonight it was a promotion party for a new album by a band you didn't personally know but Pete was friendly with them. As you finished the last of your makeup Pete strolled into your shared bathroom and wolf whistled making you blush.

"Damm your beautiful y/n. What did I do to deserve someone like you?"

He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on top of your head, he liked that you were shorter than him; it was one of his favourite things about you. He kisses the top of your head and you lean back against him and sigh.

"I ask myself the same question every day I wake up next to you Pete. I don't deserve someone like you."

Pete chuckles, "you could have the pick of the guys y/n. Come on we better go."

You picked up something bitter in his tone when he mentioned you could have the pick of the guys but he soon put on a smile and led you out of the bathroom. Was there something on his mind?


The party was okay; as soon as y/n and I entered the room she was swept away by the guys wife's and introduced to other people. It didn't help that she was introduced to guys who weren't me. Now I'd never been the jealous kind of guy but y/n was attractive and she easily made friends with everyone. Sometimes however she didn't know that she attracted other guys so when I saw her laughing and playfully shoving them I couldn't help but doubt our relationship.

I did love y/n but I feared I was no longer good enough for her like she was in a whole other league and needed an upgrade. I was scared to lose her because without her my life would be boring, she lit up the room and I knew this was the girl that I wanted to marry someday.

"Pete man, are you okay? You keep looking over at y/n."

Patrick patted me on the shoulder and I turned to face my best friend putting on my best fake smile.

"I don't think I'm good enough for her anymore Patrick, she is out of my league."

Patrick shakes his head and frowns, "she loves you, Pete, I see it in the way her eyes light up whenever you walk into a room and how protective she gets whenever a fan hits on you."

"Thanks, Patrick."

Patrick grinned and nodded before walking back off into the sea of people. I needed some fresh air.


You look up and notice Pete frowning in your direction before he turns and heads out of the room. Excusing yourself from your conversation with Josh Dun you follow your boyfriend but not before bumping paths with Patrick who grabs your arm.

"You need to talk to Pete y/n. I don't know what's up with him but he doubts your relationship. Something about him not being good enough for you anymore."

You stare wide-eyed at Patrick, how could Pete ever think he wasn't good enough for you. This explained his tone of voice when you were getting ready earlier. You smile weakly at Patrick and nod.

"Thanks, Patrick I'll talk some sense into him."

Patrick lets go of your arm and you pick up your pace trying to find your boyfriend. You walk outside and the cool night air sends a shiver across your body.

"Here you go, babe, take my jacket."

You turn at the sound of Pete's voice as he slides his leather jacket around your shoulders. He goes back to leaning against the wall his eyes closed.

"I just spoke to Patrick Pete. How could you think you aren't good enough for me?"

Pete shrugs his shoulders, "maybe because I see so many guys watching you with lust in their eyes whenever you walk by. You don't know how beautiful you really are; maybe you do need someone better."

"Don't be stupid Pete. I don't want any guy other than you. How can you not see that? Look at me and I mean really look at me."

Pete opens his eyes and his eyes trail down your body, "what am I suppose to see y/n?"

You sigh and run a hand through your hair, "before I met you I had no self-confidence in my appearance and I was afraid to talk to people especially guys. You struggled for weeks to get me to speak to you because I was scared I'd say something stupid. I'm who I am today because you bought me out of my shell. I love you Pete Wentz and never say you're not good enough because I should be saying that."

"You use to blush whenever I said a single word. I fell in love with you the second I laid eyes on you. And maybe I did too good of a job bringing you out of your shell because guys can't keep their eyes off you y/n."

You close the space between the two of you and grab his face before kissing him passionately, "at the end of the night I only go home with one guy and that's you, Pete."

Pete grins before kissing you back slightly rougher. You moan against his lips and wrap your arms around his shoulder when he pulls away and smirks.

"I needed to hear that y/n. Now, how about we ditch this party and go home and order pizza and watch a film?"

You let out a small squeal and clap your hands together behind Pete's back before pecking him on the nose, "I would love that Pete."

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