MIW - Devin Sola

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Did I Say That Out Loud?


Halloween was one of your favourite holidays. It was also the holiday you met your boyfriend Devin, or Ghost as he goes by in his band. The two of you met a year ago at a haunted maze, he got separated from his band and you got separated from your friends, but you bumped into each other in the maze while running away from a chainsaw-wielding clown.

Now the two of you were decorating the small house you'd bought together only a month ago ready to scare and delight the neighbourhood kids. Devin was in his element, dressed as Sweeney Todd and you were Mrs Lovett.

You watch him battle with spider webs as you line up a row of skeletons along the path. It was Devin's idea to move out of the city, and you could have sworn you overheard him talking to Josh and Chris about potentially proposing and starting a family. But there was only one thing bothering you, and that was that Devin hadn't said 'I love you' yet, sure he hinted at it but those three little words hadn't left his lips.

You talked to Ricky about it over coffee and discovered that the last time Devin told someone he loved them it didn't end well, and Devin got his heart broken and publically ridiculed. You felt bad for your boyfriend, you loved him and no way in hell would you ever leave him.

"y/n your house looks really good."

You look up from your skeletons and smile at the little girl from next door who was dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood. You and Devin hit it off with her parents and had babysat her a few times.

"Thank you little Red, but you have my talented husband to praise. He's a little crazy for Halloween."

"Mr Devin I really like your decorations."

You laugh as she calls him Mr Devin. Devin puts down the spider web and walks over to us before crouching down to her height.

"I really like your costume Red. Are you going to get lots of candy tonight? Make sure to keep away from any big bad wolves."

"I will Mr Devin. Mummy, they like my costume."

The girl runs to her mum who was stood on her path smiling at the two of us.

"You two are going to be great parents one day."

Devin wraps an arm around your waist and rests his chin on top of your head.

"I'm sure we will, I love this one to pieces."

The girl and mum walk off leaving you in shock at what you heard Devin say. Your boyfriend tenses up behind you as you spin around in his arms to face him.

"What did you say, Devin?"

"Did I really just say that out loud y/n?"

You nod unable to keep the smile off your face.

"I love you too Devin, god I love you so much."

You stand on your tiptoes and cup his chin before kissing his lips. He relaxes into the kiss.

"I love you to the end of the world and back y/n. God, it feels good to say those three words out loud."

You chuckle against your boyfriend's lips, this was the best Halloween yet. Now you wondered how next year was going to top this one.    

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