*REQUESTED* BTF - Beau Bokan & Lights

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Requested by rawwwwwwwwwwwwww

Our Little Girl


Warped Tour had been amazing, but Lights was still down about being turned down by another adoption agency. Because we toured, it wasn't considered a stable enough environment to raise a kid. I was chilling in the bus alone while the rest of my band was at some barbeque when Lights comes rushing through the door holding a small girl in her arms.

"Get her a blanket Beau and the first aid kit."

Lights puts the young girl down on one of the sofas while I don't question her and go and grab the first aid kit. When I return Lights has the girl covered in a blanket but I could see cuts and bruises on the girl's face and neck, who would hurt a young girl?

"Lights, do I want to know why a young girl is on our sofa beat up?"

"I was coming back from the shop when I found her in an alley, it looked like she'd been beaten up and mugged. Before she passed out she told me her name was y/n and she's fourteen, and has been on the streets since she was twelve after being orphaned when both her parents died."

I sit down on the opposite sofa and watch as Lights does her best to disinfect the cuts and clean y/n up the best she could. How could someone so small and fragile looking be left on the streets for two years? Being homeless wasn't safe, and it had to be ten times harder for a girl who could easily get taken advantage of. y/n's story saddened me.

"I'll be back in a second Beau, look after her."

Lights walks into the bunks leaving me alone with y/n who was slowly coming around. She blinked at me and I held her hand.

"Are you going to look after me?"

Her voice was hoarse and dehydrated. But it was the hopefulness behind her eyes that she'd finally found a place to belong that I couldn't just turn her back out onto the streets.

"We're going to look after you y/n. I'm Beau and this is my wife Lights. You're going to be part of our family now."

~2 Years Later~


"Dad I'm going for a walk around the buses," you yell through the tour bus which had become your second home.

Beau pops his head around the bunk room door and smiles, "be back before Blessthefall have to be on stage."

You get off the bus and stretch your limbs. Two years had passed since the night Beau and Lights adopted you as their daughter, and every day since then you loved them like they'd been your parents your whole life. They'd helped you through a lot of stuff and now you had an amazing life.

Walking around the bus area you come to a stop outside the bus belonging to As It Is one of your favourite bands. Patty, who you had a small crush on was sitting outside strumming a guitar.

"You're really good Patty."

Patty looks up and smiles at you, his smile could melt you on the spot.

"Thanks, you must be Beau's daughter y/n. Do you want to sit with me?"

You glance down at your phone and pout, you had to be back on the bus in ten minutes.

"Maybe a rain check Patty, dad wants me back at the bus."

Patty puts down his guitar and walks towards you before plucking your phone from your hand. He types his number in before handing the device back to you.

"I'd like to get to know you more y/n, maybe we can meet later. I'll message you."

All you can do is nod before walking away from Patty. He was so much nicer and attractive in person, and now you had your crushes mobile number. And originally you weren't going to come on Warped.

Back at the bus Lights darts around the front lounge cleaning up, while dad sits lazily on the sofa watching TV.

"Did you see anything nice on your walk love?"

Lights sits down next to Beau who hugs her while you sit down opposite them. You smile remembering meeting Patty and Lights squeals.

"Did you meet someone y/n?"

"I might have met Patty mum. And he gave me his number and is really nice in person."

You avoid eye contact with your dad who was now focused on you instead of the TV, while mum jumps up and down in her seat like a child on Christmas day.

Beau clears his throat, "do I need to buy a shotgun y/n?"

Lights smacks his shoulder, "stop it, Beau, I think it's kind of cute y/n finally met her crush."

~2 Weeks Later~

"Do I have to meet your dad y/n? I know he's one of my idols, but he looks like he'd be protective of you and could break me in half."

You chuckle and drag Patty onto Blessthefall's bus. When you told Beau and Lights that Patty had asked you on a date for tonight, Beau wanted to meet Patty and lay down some ground rules while Lights fussed over what you should wear. Both parents were polar opposites when it came to you dating, but you knew your dad was only going to go hard on Patty to scare him.

"Dad, Patty's here. Please don't break him."

You pull Patty down next to you on the sofa as your dad and mum emerge from the bunk room. Patty visibly pales next to you so you take his hand and squeeze it to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

"So Patty you want to take my little girl out on a date, is that correct?"

"Err...yes I do Beau."

You found it cute how scared Patty was of your dad who was just a big teddy bear when you got to know him. Beau struggles to keep the serious face on and Lights has to stop herself from bursting into laughter.

"I'm going to set some rules, Walters. One, I want y/n back at the bus before bus call. Two, no funny business because I know where your bus is. And rule three, treat my little girl with respect or there will be hell to pay. Understood?"

Patty gulps and nods, "I understand Beau."

"You look scared shitless Patty, I'm only joking. Well, kind of, no funny business until at least the second date."

Beau bursts into laughter and Patty regains the colour in his face upon realising Beau was messing with him.

You shake your head before resting it on Patty' shoulder, "are you sure you want to date me now you've met the family, they're crazy."

Patty chuckles, "I still want to date you y/n."

You see a flash go off in the corner of your eye, and when you and Patty glance over at Lights you see a phone in her hand. She was taking pictures to document your first date.

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