FOB - Pete Wentz & Joe Trohman

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Two Can Be Better Than One

"PETE!" I screamed, loud enough for the people in the room next to us to be able to hear, as I reached my climax.

"Mmm... Me too..."

He said, laying down next to me and kissing my forehead.

"Uhh... Pete..?"

"Yes, y/n?"

He sat up looking deadly serious, "Joe can NEVER find out about us!"  he speaks in a tone even a lion would be scared of, "you make me worry sometimes... I mean why do we do this?!"

"Because Joe hasn't made me climax for a while and I mean...You're fucking great at doing so..." You reply.

"So you want to screw me and love Joe?!"  He asked a mix of anger and sadness flashed in his eyes for a moment before going back to his cocky self, "but hey screwing you is fun too..." He said laying back down. "Oh and don't forget to close the door behind you!"

~Later That Evening~

"Hey baby!"

Joe screeched as he pulled up to my house.

"are you ready to go to the restaurant?"  He said like he was a child just about to go to his favourite sweet shop.

"Yeah, just looking for my pho- don't worry I've got it"  I replied picking up my purse and keys.

"Let's be on our way!"

~the restaurant~

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Trohman, right this way."

A man with a very thick Italian accent guided us to our table.

"A waiter will see you shortly!"

He said a little too over excited for this job. In my pocket my phone vibrated, it was a message from Pete.

Hey babe! Wacha doing? ;)

On a date w/Joe ;)

that's so hot! U texting me on a date w/Joe!

can't wait till I get back! U better b there when I get back! I'm so wet thinking about u!

Ok, I'll save the wanking till later!

You better you sexy beast

can't wait

Bye xxx

"Hey, I was wondering if I could come to yours after we're done?"

Joe snapped me out of my daydream.

"No, I'm sorry baby but maybe next week!" I said apologetically.

"That's fine...By the way...I ordered your favourite."

Maybe I should tell him? No, it'll be heartbreaking for everyone...Okay, I'll tell him some other time.

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