OM&M - Austin Carlile

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Daddy's Little Dancer


Tonight you were performing in front of a huge audience at your dance academy's showcase. You loved dancing but you didn't like the costumes. In the studio, while rehearsing you could get away with wearing baggy sweats and long sleeve jumpers, but tonight you were performing three dances and each had a costume that exposed areas of your body you were ashamed of.

You weren't one of those girls who had an awful life and cut, in fact, you had a great life and a dad who loved you to pieces. However when you were younger you got in a car crash with your best friend and her mum leaving you with scars on your arms and legs. Yes, they had faded but you were still self-conscious. Your dad told you each day you were beautiful.

"Wake up my little ballerina."

You roll over coming face to face with your dad grinning ear from ear. Oh yes, your dad was none other than Austin Carlile from Of Mice & Men. You put your arms out and Austin rolls his eyes before picking you up like he did when you were little. You squeal as he throws you over his shoulder and runs out of the bedroom.

You hear other guys laughing and realise that the whole band was over like they usually were.

"Put her down Austin man before you break her, we want to see her perform tonight."

You could make out Tino from my upside down position and smiled, "Uncle Tino save me."

"Fear not fair maiden."

Tino somehow manages to get you off Austin and throws you into Alan's open arms.

"Finally the two princesses reunited. Ginger and brunette."

You laugh before ruffling his ginger locks, "love you to Alan, now put me down please."

He complies and you hug Austin's side suddenly feeling self-conscious because your shirt had rolled up and you could see the faded white scars.

"Dad, can I speak to you please."

Austin nods before the two of you leave the lounge and head outside into the garden.

"What's up buttercup?"

You look down at your arms and shrug your shoulders, "dad I'm scared. Not about the dances because I know them off by heart, but the costumes are going to expose my scars."

"Come here, love."

He pulls you into a warm embrace and kisses the top of your head, "honey I know you don't like them but you can't let them control your life. You're beautiful and if anything your scars make you who you are. Tonight you are going to dance your little heart out and I and the whole band will be your cheerleaders."

"Thanks, dad. Are the guys really coming? They've never seen me dance."

Austin nods, "they wouldn't miss it for the world. And then afterwards we're going out to celebrate the fact that I have an amazingly talented daughter who any dad would be proud to have raised."

A weak smile crosses his lips and you sigh before squeezing his side, "dad you did a great job raising me on your own. I wouldn't change anything, you did well."

"I love you y/n."



I manage to get the whole band seated with little hassle. Yes, we got a few looks but we were here to support my daughter. I think I was more of a nervous wreck than y/n, I just wanted to see her succeed at something she loved. She had a gift and I needed to nurture her.

"Man you need to calm down, she's going to do great."

Alan tries to reassure me by patting my shoulder.

"Thanks, Alan, the shows about to start."

The lights dim in the auditorium and the curtains raise and there stood my daughter who was performing a solo as the opening number. She danced like an angel and I couldn't help but film her, I was a proud dad and this would come out at one of her birthdays to embarrass her or show the grandchildren.

She flowed through her three dances with effort and grace, it bought a tear to my eye and I wasn't the only one transfixed. The rest of the band had their mouths open in awe and it made me proud.

The second the curtain comes down on the final dance and the lights came back on in the auditorium everyone stood up and started clapping and cheering. We were right near the front so y/n could see us when she came on for her bow. I think me and the band were the loudest as each dancer was announced, and the second y/n's name was called we turned the volume to eleven which earnt us some odd looks. y/n laughed and shook her head at our behaviour.

We manage to get backstage and I find y/n's dressing room. She was just getting into her casual clothes when we knocked on the door and entered. Her face lit up as soon as her eyes landed on me.

"Dad," she squeals and runs at me; I open my arms and pick her up with ease.

"You were amazing y/n, my pretty little dancer."

"Wow y/n I didn't know you were that good, I knew you could dance but that was a whole out of this world experience."

Alan sounded shocked and surprised at the same time, y/n buried her head into my shoulder embarrassed by the praise. She didn't think she deserved but she deserved every positive word.

"Thank you, Alan. Now can we get something to eat?"

I nod and put her back down so she could pull her trainers on.


You were ecstatic that the guys and your dad had come to support you. You could see them through all three of your performances, they had awe in their eyes and you couldn't ask for a better family.

"Are you coming, princess? You zoned out a little."

You nod your head blushing like mad, "sorry dad I was just thinking about my awesome family."

Austin smiles and takes your hand before pulling you from the dressing room.

"Come on love or no dessert for you."

Your eyes widen, no one ever threatened to take away your dessert and lived to tell the tale. Alan had learnt the hard way at Warped one year.

"No one takes my dessert away dad. Come on dad I'll race you to the car."

You take off running down the corridor before your dad can register what's going on. You hear him curse your speed as he attempts to keep up with you. Tonight had been the best night of your life, you didn't think of your scars once and let the music take over.

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