MIW - Devin Sola

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Corpse Bride


You were fortunate to be best friends with Ashley Costello and after a couple of glasses of wine, she'd talked you into going to a Halloween party in some abandoned house. New Years Day would be playing a couple of songs along with Motionless In White, who you hadn't met before.

As the two of you pulled up to the house that looked straight out of a horror film all thoughts of your cheating ex went away, you'd found your boyfriend of a year sleeping with another girl in your bed. You check your makeup in the car mirror; you were the girl from Corpse Bride because it was your favourite movie. It was scary how good at hair and makeup you were because you looked identical.

"We're first on and then Motionless, try not to get lost y/n which seems to be your speciality."

You roll your eyes as Ash, yes you had a habit of getting lost at events but tonight you didn't feel like leaving her side in case your ex showed up. He was a band photographer and you'd met him through New Years Day.

~1 Hour Later~

The house was quite big, and yes you were officially lost. The crowd was huge downstairs and you excused yourself to find somewhere quieter. After checking your costume in a cracked mirror upstairs you left the bathroom and bumped into the last person you wanted to see and a couple of his friends.

"Look who's all alone boys, it's my slutty ex."

You scoff and try to walk past him but he blocks your way.

"Move Ed, besides you're the one who cheated on me in our bed. You're the slut who can't keep it in his pants."

The second the words left your lips you regretted them because Ed didn't like to be embarrassed. Your heart stopped upon seeing his face morph into pure anger before he slammed both hands either side of your head caging you in.

"I think you should put the bitch in her place, Ed."

God, you hated his friends. Ed smirked and stroked one hand down your cheek making you shiver, he chuckled and you could smell alcohol on his breath.

"No one's going to help you y/n so let's have a little fun."


Your cheek stung as he slapped you hard. You attempt to struggle as his hands slide down your body and under your dress. You shut your eyes and start to cry silently.

"Get off her you sick fuck, you don't slap a lady."

Your eyes snap open and land on a guy dressed as Michael Myers from Halloween.

"How about no freak, this bitch has to be put in her place."

Ed snakes an arm around your waist and you shiver in repulsion.

"How about I put you in your place?"

Michael Myers strides forwards and punches Ed square in the nose, and you flinch upon hearing it crack. Ed lets go of you and clutches his nose which was bleeding heavily.

"No one hits me and gets away with it mate."

He lunges forward and gets one good punch in my saviour's face before he stumbles drunk and falls to the floor. His two friends pick him up and quickly leave, leaving you alone with your masked hero who curses before taking his mask off.

"Shit, are you okay? Stupid question, you're bleeding."

He tries to turn his face from you but you manage to cup his chin and turn his face. You gasp; Devin Sola was your hero.

"I couldn't stand back and let that creep assault you y/n. Ash got worried when she couldn't find you and saw your ex, so we all split up to look for you."

That was sweet of Ash and you were glad that it was Devin who found you because you had a secret crush on him.

"Thank you, Devin, now let's get you cleaned up."

You get him into the bathroom and start to wipe the blood away with some damp tissue. All the while Devin stares at you with a smile on his lips.

"Your costume is amazing y/n, I've seen your Instagram posts and kind of wanted to meet you."

Luckily you had enough foundation on your face to cover your blush.

"Hey, mum and dad how did you meet? Was it romantic? Yes, kids, mummy was the Corpse Bride and daddy was Michael Myers. We met in a rundown house after your dad punched your mum's ex who was dressed in a toga."

Devin laughs and takes your hands in his.

"Then mummy gave daddy a kiss for being her knight in shining armour."

You close the space between the two of you and cup Devin's chin again before kissing him.

"And the Corpse Bride and Michael Myers lived happily ever after in their dysfunctional world."

Devin smirks against your lips.

"I like that ending y/n. Would you go on a date with me?"

You nod and lean your forehead against his, he was sat on the counter and you were between his legs so the height difference was less noticeable.

"I would love to Devin. And kids the rest is history."    

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