FOB - Patrick Stump

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The Proposal

Guest written by Tumblr user jadepadilla445


"It's really nice out."

I commented awkwardly. Could you blame me? I was nervous as hell.

"Very cliché of you to say. What, does my hair remind you of the moonlight?"

She joked. Too busy being a nervous wreck to laugh at the joke; I quickly apologized fumbling with the box in my left pocket.

"I'm sorry, just trying to impress."

The words rushed out. She sighed and untangled herself from my grasp.

"Why do you always say that? Who're you trying to impress?"

She breathed out heavily.

"Y-you. I'm always trying to impress you..."

I mumbled out my words.

"Patrick, you don't need to impress me. I think you're perfect just the way you a-"


I snapped out of fear. I seemed to have this tendency to get really angry when I was terrified.

"I'm not perfect and I never will be okay? Don't ever say that to me, do you understand?"

I yelled, standing up so I would tower over her. She glared daggers at me and stood up as well.

"You can NOT talk to me like that. The only reason I ever tell you that is because I love you, you idiot!"

She screamed, mimicking the tone of my voice. I could tell she was starting to sadden herself but I was too caught up in emotions to stop.

"You don't love me! No one loves me. Leave me alone!!"

I raised my voice, more doubting myself then her. She breathed heavily and shook her head.

"Patrick, you know how much I want to help you with your self esteem issues, but I can't do it if you don't at least try. Maybe we should take some time apart to figure ourselves out. Obviously you need it."

She spoke, swinging her purse over her shoulder and turned towards the parking lot.

"What? No, I'm fine really!"

I quickly rushed, not really believing she would leave me.

"No you aren't Patrick. I wish you would love yourself as much as you seem to love me."

She shook her head and continued walking away.

"No, baby please! I-I love myself just as much as I love you! Don't go!"

I didn't care if I sounded desperate, I grabbed her wrist and pulled it tightly. She yanked it away after a few tries and walked faster towards her car.

"Patrick I just need time to think about what we can do. I can't be with you if you hate yourself. Just let me go for a while."

She yelled, her flats clinking against the pavement. I chased her across the parking lot but stopped when she fished out her keys.

"B-But if I let you go then I'll never get to marry you!"

I yelled and collapsed on the ground, tears starting to stream down my face. It was blurry, but I could make out her hand on the door handle and she slowly turned around, her bag dropping on the ground.

"P-Patrick? Sweetheart, w-were you going to propose to me?"

She asked sweetly. She steadily moved towards me and sat down next to me. I sniffled and pulled out the velvet black box. She took it in her hands and opened it, revealing the diamond ring, with my initials engraved in it.


She started, but was at a loss for words.

"Love, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?"

I asked hopefully, brushing the hair out of her face.

"Of course I will."

She grinned and I slipped the ring on her middle finger, kissing her forehead. She laughed and shook her head.

"You big dork. Rings go on THIS finger."

She giggled and placed in on the finger next to it. I blushed and raised my hands in defence.

"I don't know anything about marriage!"

She shook her head and rolled her eyes.


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