*REQUESTED* The 1975 - Matt Healy

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requested by reveccaj

Run Away With Me


"He's no good for you, honey, he's only going to corrupt you and drag you down to hell."

You can't help but roll your eyes as your mother brings hell into the same conversation as your boyfriend Matt Healy.

"Don't roll your eyes at your mother young lady; see that boy is nothing but bad news. You use to respect your parents. We forbid you from seeing him y/n."

You all but glare at your father, he was so single-minded just like your mother. He was the vicar of the local church and you were expected to be the perfect angelic daughter. You use to believe that if you sinned you'd be punished and banned from heaven after you died, it was drilled into you from a young age but now you'd experienced the real world and saw that there was something other than your religion to try out.

You hated Matt at first, he was three years older than you and hung out with the 'bad' crowd as your parents labelled them and use to make fun of you and how much of a goodie two shoes you were. But when you were eighteen your best friend convinced you to go to an end of high school party where there was heavy drinking and lots of sex. Matt and his friends crashed the party and things got wild.

Having not drunk before it didn't take too long for you to get shit faced and random guys tried it on with you, but Matt came to your rescue and kept an eye on you all night. You had your first kiss that night and it was magical. You also learnt that Matt and his friends weren't as bad as you first thought. You started hanging out with them and Matt introduced you to new things. The two of you got pretty close but your parents forced you to go to university away from Matt, but the two of you stayed in touch.

After university, you moved back home. Matt was making music with his band and he was pretty good. The two of you started dating and you gave Matt your virginity which was a big deal since your parents had drilled into your head that you couldn't have sex before marriage.

Now here you were defending Matt as your parents tried to control your life again. You were 24 and could make your own decisions, but the longer you stayed in this house the crazier your parents would make you.

"There's this really nice boy who goes to church y/n, he has a job that would mean financial security for you. I've spoken to his parents and they would like to set you two up on a date."

You were gobsmacked by what your mother was telling you, she'd gone behind your back and was trying to set you up with someone from the church. You scoff and push your chair back slamming your knife and fork on the table before standing.

"I'm going to my room, stop being such control freaks. I'm an adult I can make my own decisions."

Before your parents can stop you, you run upstairs and slam your bedroom door shut before jamming the chair from your desk under the handle to stop them coming in to punish you for being disrespectful.

You throw yourself dramatically onto your bed and pull out your phone and decide to message Matt.

Y/N: My parents are driving me crazy. My mum's trying to set me up with someone from the church. You're a bad egg apparently x

Matt: Run away with me y/n...

Y/N: What do you mean?

Matt: We're heading out on tour around the UK, come with us, come with me x

You glance up at your bedroom door and notice the handle wiggling as your parents try to get in. Could you really ditch your parents and go touring around the UK with Matt and his band? Then you remembered that you were an adult and could make your own decisions.

Y/N: When and where?

Matt: One hour at my house

Y/N: I'm on my way x

Matt: See you soon baby girl x

You blush at Matt's pet name for you.

"Open this door right now young lady and apologise to your mother. You will be going on this date whether you like it or not."

You shoot your father the middle finger despite him not being able to see it. You jump off the bed and start to frantically throw things into a bag, enough to last you the length of the tour. You weren't leaving anything valuable behind so took all your electronics, money and even passport because you had a feeling your parents would kick you out once you returned.

Walking over to the window, you throw the bag with your clothes in out before putting on your backpack and climbing onto the convenient vine outside your bedroom window. Taking one last glimpse at your bedroom you curse as the bedroom door bursts open and in runs your father and mother.

"Where are you going, young lady? Get back in here right now!"

You laugh, "go screw yourself, dad, I'm going to live my life with my boyfriend. See you once we're back."

You then quickly climb down the vine and grab your other bag before running towards the front gate. You throw it open and don't bother looking back as you take off down the street towards Matt's house.


The bus was here and the hour was nearly up and y/n was nowhere in sight. I hoped she managed to get away from her over-controlling parents; they needed to learn that she was an adult now and could make her own life decisions. They'd met me once and instantly took a dislike to me.

"Matt come on we need to head off like now, the drivers getting angsty."

George shot me a sympathetic smile before popping his head back into the bus. He was my best friend and knew how in love I was with y/n. I check my phone and see no new messages off y/n. Grabbing my bag I sling it over my shoulder and start to walk up the bus steps before a familiar voice comes from behind me.

"Not going without me now are you Matty?"


I turn around and see my beautiful girlfriend stood with her hands on her hips playfully glaring at me. I drop my bag at the same time she does and opens my arms, she smiles and runs into my arms.

"Are you ready to run away with me y/n?"

"Show me the world Healy."

I lean down and kiss her forehead, I was now even more excited for this tour.

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