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We all sit down. I had my drink and I had a little time to talk to them, but I had to go talk to Eleanor, I really want to meet her and I think it's quite rude to show up at a party and you don't even know who the birthday person is. So, I excuse myself and leave the table. I walk around the party and I see a table in the far end. I saw Louis and I saw this beautiful girl next to him. She was model material! Absolutely gorgeous. I walk up to them and immediately as Louis saw me his eyes lit up and he shouted my name.

"NATALIE!" He yells and everyone on that table looked at my direction.

I laughed at his reaction and walked up to them. I sat down next to Eleanor and Louis and it was Incredible. She is so nice and they are so cute together. I'm happy for Lou.

Harry's P.O.V

It's Eleanor's birthday and I'm here, bored, wondering around in this lovely building I go to the bar section but I already had a drink. I look around and I see many lovely woman here. Nothing compared too..Natalie though. I miss her so much! I wonder what she's doing right now.

I walk back to the table where the boys were and I saw Niall, since when did he show up?

"Hey Niall" I said

"Sup mate, where have you been?"

"Bar section, wondering around" I said and his eyes light up

"Pints and Appetizers!!" He says loudly as he gets up and walks very fast towards the food and bar section of the room. I chuckle and shake my head. That lad can eat anything and everything. Wait, that sounded wrong. Nevermind..

I sat down with Liam and Zayn and we just sat down, waved to a couple of folks and let out some simple conversations

"Hey, where's Natalie?" Liam says out of nowhere and Zayn moves his shoulders in form of I don't know. I scrunch my eye brows and my eyes grow wide.

"Wait what?"

"Natalie, she's here.. You..didn't know?" Zayn replies hesitant giving glances at Liam.

I figured they were trying to hide something from me so I went along with it, they're terrible at hiding things from me.

"Ohhh Natalie my girlfriend ! Yea, I know she's here" I say playing along with it.

"Yes, where is she? She was here a while ago" Liam pointed out.

Oh my goodness She really is here!! But where and WHO did she come with?

*calm down harry, this is why you both fought in the first place, jealousy is a horrible habit*

my conscience speaks to me. I calm myself down.

"So, who did she come with?" I said with no emotion, trying to act like I didn't care which really, it burned inside.

"Oh She came with Niall but Im pretty sure they came just as friends, or that's what it looked like" Liam spoke again. well it calmed me down a little bit, just a little bit...

I have to go find her, I don't even have to talk to her as long as she doesn't look at me, Just looking at her for the first time in ages will make me have that feeling ever since I laid eyes on her in 2 years ago.

I walk around and I can't seem to find her anywhere. I'm getting frustrated, where is she?

Natalie's P.O.V

I left their table because I know they wanted to be alone so I decided to go back to where the boys were. on my way there I bumped in to something, or someone.

"NOO Mummy!!" a little voice yelled as she bumped into me. I looked down and it was this adorable blonde hair blue eyed little girl. Looked up at me and she threw her hands up, motioning me to get her. I smiled and looked up to see what she was running from, I'm guessing her mum

"Lux get back here!" her mother yelled, when she saw me she smiled

"She's a tricky one" she said looking back at her but lux held on to my leg.

"I think she likes you hahaha, hi I'm Lou, nice to meet you love" she says holding her hand out to me and may I say she is very pretty and her little girl is the sweetest thing ever.

"Nice to meet you Lou, I'm Natalie & your little girl is just adorable!" I say holding my hand out in respond to a gentle handshake.

" nice to meet you Natalie! you look familiar, have we met before?"

"Well, no I don't think so?" confusingly I respond.

"Well you should come join us! We are over there with some friends! C'mon they'll like you" she says motioning me and lux to go with her. I figured why not, so I picked up lux and followed Lou. We went to this table that was somewhat secluded from everyone else in the party and it was really cool. there was nice lights, dark atmosphere and it was soothing classical music. Lou introduced me to everyone and they were all just lovely people. I sat down and it was funny because lux wanted to play with me! she was so adorable it was impossible to let her request fly by! she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards to children section which was actually near the boys table but I ignored them and decided to play with lux.

"Play!" She said handing me a little block and it was so cute. I sat there on a chair and played with her, building a tower out of pink, blue and purple blocks. After about 5 minutes, we finished and I could easily see the twinkle in her eyes! she ran to me and gave me a hug and I just started laughing at how cute she was!

"Awww darling!" I said

"She really likes you." A familiar deep voice speaks from behind me and I freeze, Lux looks up and gasp loudly

"Hawwyy!!" She says as she lets go of me and runs towards my opposite direction

"Hello my angel! how's my little cutie doing?" He says and I heard him giving her two pecks on the cheek. She laughs and she runs back to me. I sit there trying not to show my shocked expression. I get up very slowly, adjust my dress and finally turn to him. I try my best not to look at him in the eyes. I look down and hold on to my clutch. From what I can here he is gobsmacked for some reason.

"Hi Natalie." He says seriously and deep in tone.

"Hello Harry." I say with no emotion

"You look. Ehem, very nice. "He says looking but can't tell where.

"Thanks." I respond and it's just awkward.

"You don't look bad yourself."

"Thanks." He says awkwardly. After about 5 seconds of silence I decide to look back at Lux and play with her.

"Want to build another tower love?"

"Yess!!" She yells and I feel his eyes burn in my soul.

I'm so sorry, I've been busy with my drivers permit and tests.

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