Worried nightmare

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After all these years, I haven't looked into his eyes longer than 3 seconds and now that I looked into his eyes, his face changed from an angry, to a horrified look right as I revealing myself. "What's that all over your face?!" He says reaching out to my cheek bones but I pull away.

"Oh Christ Harry, nothing." I say looking back down with annoyance and anger.

"Natalie look at me...Natalie, come on" He says pulling my chin but I keep my eyes tucked down, he sighs loudly and finally says the one word he's never said.

"Please.." He asks desperately. Wow. Are there any more surprises tonight? I slowly lifted my gaze to meet his. His expression softened and he look horrified as his eyes grew large. "What?" I respond pulling myself away "No no.." his hands find contact to my chin, he pulls up my chin, and takes another look "Look at me..come on"

I sigh annoyed already with his arrogant self, "Oh goodness" I look up.

"Wow" He whispers. I couldn't stand here anymore.
"You look..-"
"No shit Sherlock." His eyebrows furrowed with my words.

I walk past him, uncomfortable knowing that he was watching. I head upstairs to my bedroom. I brushed my teeth, took out my nightwear from my bathroom closet and I cleaned out my cover up makeup and washed my eyes from the swolleness. I opened the door and turned off the light. As I turn I stop. "What are you doing in here?!" I said surprised and there he was. In my bedroom. Standing right in front of me with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

"I just wanted to know if you're alright" he whispers.

"Well of course I'm not.. please.. just. just get out.." I said as my head ache grew larger and larger he immediately grabs my waist and gives it a tight squeeze. "I just wanted to check on you ok!" He speaks loud enough so only I could hear.

My eyes grew large but I quickly looked down. I was honestly annoyed with his immature self. Not letting a monster like him treat me like a degrade in my own home. I let out a small sigh "I'm ok." I whisper

He lets out an irritable sigh and releases me. I turn my self away from him and stand shocked by what just happened.

"See you tomorrow" and he's gone.

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