Regret it

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"I'm strong me!" I say and his eyes grow wide. He is gobsmacked and I just give him an innocent smile and we both stand there.. He is literally speechless and he's just staring into my eyes making it burn with passion.

"Harry! Hurry up lad why so long? Did you find the game?" Liam screams from down stares.

" right down!" He says not taking his eyes off of mine once.

"Well I have to go rest.. Have fun Babe" I said 'babe' for the first time ever and winking I at him turning around, walking back to my room, as I open the door, I hear harry come after me.

"Why do I so crave you so much!" He says beneath his clenched teeth as he lifts me up and brings me into the guest room with him and he shuts the door roughly, he holds me by my hips and immediately molds his lips in my mouth making him moan instantly.

"Mmmm" I really wanted our flesh to linger again but I had to stay strong and have him come after me. I read that advice on my moms special "Dating Men Who Aren't Amotional" book and it's perfect true! It works. Anyways, I could tell he was getting aggressive so I let him takeover and I never like to because I don't know how... I know it's embarrassing but it's my first time getting intimate with someone like this. He bites my bottom lip and sucks on it as well. My breathing is so heavy because he won't let me catch enough air which strangely I loved it. It's like running a marathon. I've never seen any guy do this to another girl so it's new to me.

He takes me to the bed and lies on top of me. My hands are cuffing his shirt and I'm sandwiched in between Harry's body and the bed. He continues to kiss me and making me have lack of oxygen. Suddenly, I couldn't hold my breath and my face started to get hot, I immediately wrap my fingers around Harry's curls and start tugging. That's when he went rough and immediately with all my force I pull his head back and I throw mine back in search of air. Finally, as I made contact with oxygen, I threw my head to the side and my chest was heaving up and down, I was all weak and my damp hair from the shower was all over the place. I couldn't even cope to look at harry because I was too weak and out of breath. He leans over and whispers three words that made sense to why I'm like this.

"You'll regret it" he says, he gets up and I turn to him. He smirks at me, licks the corner of his incredibly swollen lips, does his famous hair flip and then turns around and walks out. Leaving me breathing heavily as I breathlessly stare at the door speechless. He was very clever. This will be harder than I thought..


Still speechless of what happened, I got up and I went under the covers. It took me a while to get to sleeping after what just happened but half an hour later I was blacked out and sound asleep.

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