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As careful as I could, I limp slowly towards the hall, sit on the first and very top step on the stairs and I crawled my way down. I look at the view below and I can't see Harry. Suddenly I hear pans clatter, he's in the kitchen. I reach the final steps and I slowly get up. I limp my way towards the kitchen. I had the cream in my hands so he could rub it against my skin. I look over and I see him. He was faced towards the oven and away from me. I get closer and as I'm about to rest my casted arm on the counter, he turns and looks at me. It's so awkward because not too long ago harry saw me naked! he looks down at his pan while he continues to stir and he smirks

"You saw nothing.."

I say seriously.

"right mhhm.." He says as he croaks his throat sarcastically. I roll my eyes, but only because he can't see.

"Dinners ready.."

"Im actually not that hungry, but thankyou.."

I say with simplicity.

"What would you like to drink?" he said as if he didn't understand a word I just told him. I sighed

"water is fine please."

I whisper looking down. I feel him staring at me as the pan stops sizzling, he walks over and grabs my chin gently.

"What was that again? I didn't hear you"

He whispered forcing me to look into his eyes, but he didn't have to. I did it as if I've done it many times before, even though my heart would beat like crazy and I would blush.

"I said water is fine..please.."

I whisper with hesitation while looking back into his eyes.

"Eye contact is the most important thing with me, I want to see your eyes look right into mine whenever I ask you something.."

He says with a low and slow voice, I felt his warm breath flow through the gap between us and touch my lips.

"I promise.." I reply sincereness

"good girl"

He says, and he did something that I had to really stop and think about. After he said 'good girl' I felt his thumb very very slowly caress my chin and with his touch I almost melted completely, but I held back a smile as best as I could. He turns back around and grabs the pan.

"Do you eat this?"

He asked. he showed a pan with stir fry and honestly it's one of my favorites.

"I love stir fry"

I respond with a generous smile, making sure I look at him 100%. He just lets out a small grin and heads to the table. Never seen him grin to me before!. I limp my way to the table and he pulls my seat out. He helps me sit down and then returns to his seat. He grabs my bowl and begins to fill up the spoon which I don't know why he was using a spoon, my teeth were fine.

"uhm I think I can eat on my own!" I say quietly

"No you can't"

"Yes I can"


"Yes I can"

I reply with all seriousness as well as he.

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