Sympathy from him

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I woke up to my mother, Harry, and Anne all staring at me. Mom and Anne were crying while Harry was next to his mom looking serious and his head faced down. Moms eyes lit up as she saw me open mine.

"Where am I?" I said

"Oh sweetheart thank heavens you're alright! How are you feeling?"

"We were worried sick darling! and your mom was at my place when Harry called us telling the bad news, we came as quickly as we could."

Anne said sincerely

"Well, I'm feeling better, thank you all so much for getting help and coming to see me, It really means well."

I said trying to pull out a sincere smile from my swollen ripped lips and squinted purple eyes that Harry aimed with his fists.

"Oh darling it was nothing, we're glad to be here and to see you're alright!"

Anne said smiling with mom following along.

"Sweetheart, please tell me what happened?" Mother said.

I knew she was not going to take 'nothing' for an answer so I lied again to cover up Harry and his pathetic self.

"It was a girl at my school...she-is on the wrestling team and she got mad when I told her off and asked her to leave me alone so she gave me a beating around the block behind the school."

Her face went crimson with anger

"That monster!"

"Why would someone do such a thing!" Anne said after.

"Well maybe I deserved it.."

I said with a sympathetic look on my face. Harry immediately put his head up and looked at me confusingly. I looked at him and didn't show any emotion.


Anne called "..Harry?" "..Harry!" Anne said nudging him and finally, he snapped out to reality "Oh um, sorry I was just a bit zoned out."

He said quietly. probably confused that I saved his behind. Again.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"When are you guys planning to leave?"

"Well, sadly we have to go in a few, because Anne and I have to get your room set and we have to go to the book club, unless you want me to stay?" she said

"No no please, I won't intrude your schedule, I'm perfectly fine here, and thank you once again Anne for helping out I wasn't hoping I would turn out like this" I said smiling and she smiles back

"Anytime dear!"

"Mom, before you go may I ask you a question?"

"Of course darling what is it?" she said

"Maybe this whole problem would go away if I switched schools.."

Harry sprung his face up towards us and this time his face was a bit shocked.

"If you think it'll work then of course I can arrange that"

I smile in joy and Harry then steps in

"No...I mean.. Why would you leave the school if the bully did it once and maybe he-I mean she might stop? I'm pretty sure she might if you two 'get along' "

I was very surprised and very pissed. Did I just hear those words come out of his mouth? I knew this was all a joke.

"Well Harry, 'she' might but I remember how I would always ask her to stop but she would say..'Never' and I believe that when she said she would never stop, I'm pretty sure she kept her word. Besides, I never did anything to have this chaos, It's best for me. You would know if you understood." I said looking him in the eye and he puts his head down and doesn't say another word as he swallows dry.

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