Intimate beating

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I felt his length. Now, lack experience with these things, but I'm aware of the reaction or state a guy should be in when he is 'erect'. represents when he is excited or sexually attracted. Both ways mean the same. He looked strict, though not upset. He pushed my shoulders against the wall and the rest towards him making my back arch uncomfortably. Sadly, no one was able to hear us due to the size of our library, massive.

"What a coincidence..why are you here?"

He says low and slow.

"I--I-needed a book" I stutter breathlessly.

"Why did you come all the way back here?"

He whispered against my ear with his warm whispers.

"I needed to get a specific book back here."

"And why else?"

"That's it."

"Why else?"

He knew what I wanted to say and I admitted it.

"To hide."

I whisper back in trepidation. Through the dark I could see his dimples, making his smirk show more. He places both hands on my waist and lifts me up on the wall, having me tip toed there by his hold.

"You can't ever hide from me."

He says in complete anger, his grip tightens on my my sides and he then threw me towards the ground with strength. I land hard on my head. My thoughts and mind are spinning above my head like stars, such stereotype. I look up and he has his fist clenched, I already know what that means and I drag my body back.

"Please don't!"

I plead.

"Don't what?"

He says aggressively at me. I was done with him taking over. He might stop if I take over, the way he wants me to. He notices a smirk on my lips and he has a concerned look on his face.


He warns me with his low and slow voice. I play along and I continue smirking.

"I'm sorry.. Here let me make up for it"

I said quietly and slowly. I get up, and he just stands there watching me, I walk up to him and I cautiously placed my hands on his shoulder, I delicately put him up against the wall. Surprisingly he didn't react, he just watched in concern, probably wondering what I was going to do. I place my hand on his chest and I slowly go down the center of his torso with my index finger. His eyes grow wide.

"What are you doing?"

He says angrily

"You tell me."

I whisper as my hand lands right on top of his crotch beneath his jeans. Strangely, he was pretty stiff and by the look of his face he seemed to not mind it. Against the fabric, I caress slowly and with ease.

"How's that?" I whisper

He groans in reply

His eyes right at me, I made it even better by staring into his as well. I waited a little. This time I deepens, exaggerated my touch against his erect.

"Oh my god.."

He whispers and my eyes grow wide. I hesitate for a moment but went along with my immutable idea. He closes his eyes and throws his head back up against the wall. Strangely, it gave me a weird sensation and I felt a sensation in the pit of my groin.

No no no I cannot in the name of anything get this feeling.. it's just wrong.. But, it did sound quite pleasant. 'No Natalie, that is not why you're doing this' my sub conscious hovers over at me like my own personal trainer.

I snap back and realize Harry is letting out quiet groans, oh goodness, this is bonus!.

I finally reached his distracting point, it was my time. I lean my lips against his ear and I move closer to him "This is for making my life a living hell."

As a quick tease, I reached close and skimmed my teeth on his earlobe, I pulled my hand back a bit, closed my fist, and I slammed it right back onto his crotch. He firmly closed his eyes and covered his mouth as he groaned in pain. He falls knees first and slams his back against the ground. He cupped his manhood with his hands beneath his jeans and laid there panting in pain. He opened his eyes and he looked at me. I saw complete anger and with just one look, I skipped over him and I ran across the library as fast as I could without getting caught.

I ran out the library doors and into the halls downstairs. Walked calm and cool as if nothing happened. I couldn't believe I had done that. I was proud of myself but I was definitely more terrified than anything at that moment. I was aware enough to know that what I did was dumb. He will get back at me for this. At least I made my point.

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