Chapter 3

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Blake's POV:
After sending a text to Chuck to tell her what happened and tell her that i'm gonna take care of her, I went to buy some movie and some vanilla ice cream, i know it's her favorite. I hope i can make her feel better, she really deserve to be happy. She's an amazing person. I hope if she's not gonna choose Francesco over the music. Not because i'm gonna lose my job but because when she sings she's so beautiful and when i look at her i forgot about everything bad. She saved a million lives just by singing and being herself. After the movie and Ice cream i went to Lana's apartement. I shout "I'm back!"
She open her bathroom door and get out. She's so beautiful, she's wearing her short with a white shirt. Her hair are still wet. She's smiling and thanking me again. Even if she's smiling i can see that she's broken. She ask to leave her alone for 5min so i leave her room and prepare everything for her. After 5min she came and saw the ice cream: " Oh my god you're the best! It's what i need right now." i laughed and we set on the sofa starting the movie. After 10 minutes, Lana got bored of the movie and asked me if i wanted to play cards. We played untill 2am laughing together. It was time for me too leave and let her relax. "Lana it's time for me to leave. You need to relax. Do you need something before i go?
- Um i'm just worried Francesco will come again, and the security can't come untill tomorrow so i was wondering if...
- You want me to sleep here? But Lana there is only one bed. The other room is full of your fans gifts.
- I can sleep on the sofa. And you sleep on the bed. I know i'm asking a lot but i'm really scared.
- You sleep on the bed and I sleep on the sofa.
- Noway and don't try to convince me we're not changing.
- Hahaha okay okay." I wasn't gonna let Lana sleep on the sofa. I waited for her to fall asleep and i took her to her bed. She's really tired she didn't even woke up. Then I saw a pack of cigarettes on the desk. She probably smoke one when she told me she wanted to stay alone. I took it and see that it's all full but one is missing. I will talk about it tomorrow with her but i'm keeping it with me. I go in the living room and sleep on the sofa.

Lana's POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night, i took my phone, it's 4am. I realized i'm in my bed, Blake probably put me here and slept on the sofa. I felt bad and sad about what happened with Francesco. Maybe I over reacte. I opened twitter, i always do when i'm sad, my fan always makes me smile. I start seing some pictures of Francesco with a girl in LA, he's holding her hand and touching her face and smiling to her, i don't know who is she but i can tell that he's falling in love, he's looking at her the way he used to look at me. Well maybe he'll be happier with someone who have the time to stay with him. I tried not to think about it a lot and see other things, then a saw a tweet: "Rt for Barrie, Fav for Francesco" there is maybe 200 Rt and 120 fav. They all love Barrie because he used to stay in contact with them, but I am happier with Francesco even if we fight a lot. Then i see someone who answered: "i vote for Blake" with a picture of me and him. A lot of fan ship me and Blake together, i never imagined us together, he's an amazing person but if we'll get together i will be too weird because of our work and i wouldn't accept to lose him if we ever broke up. I always felt something for him but i don't if they are real feelings or just because he always take care of me. Even when i broke up with Barrie, Chuck couldn't come, Blake was staying with me and he broke up with his girlfriend just because she told him he was taking to much care of me. And actually it's true. I tried after seeing all this to sleep again but i couldn't, i was overthinking and tears start to fall again. Sudently i see Blake coming: "Hey I came to see if you're okayy.
- I'm fine thank you
- Lana are you crying?" I started to cry even more, he came sit next to me and hug me then ask: "You saw the pictures on twitter right?" I shake my head then put it on his shoulder, he kissed my head and i fell asleep next to him.

Blake's POV:
At night Lana fell asleep on my shoulder, i didn't move to not wake her up. This morning i woke up on her bed but she wasn't here, i get up and go in the kitchen to drink water, and i saw Lana making pancakes wearing a white dress: "I did pancakes for breakfast to thank you for taking care of me.
- Thank you Lana, you don't have to do this, i'm your bestfriend i have to do what i'm doing". She brings the pancakes on the table with some coffee and we talked for a while then Chuck came, she ate with us we laughed together. I want to keep them together alone so Lana can tell her what happened. "Well, girls i'm gonna let you alone to talk, i'm gonna go home. Lana if you need anything just text me.
-Thank you so much Blake." Chuck and Lana said bye and I left.

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