Chapter 166

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Lana's pov

When they left, Chuck text me "We're not coming before 11pm, so take your time ;)" i laugh and show it to Blake. He smile and whisper "Perfect" while kissing my neck. To be honnest i wanted to stay alone with Blake but i still wasn't ready to have sex with someone. "Baby" he doesn't answer and lay me down on the couch. We start making out but once he tried to take off my shirt i stopped him. "I'm sorry babe. I just can't." He looks at me surprised. "It just..." He shush me and say "you don't have to explain.
- i know you really wanted it.
- Lanz, i just want to see your beautiful smile and i want you to be happy. Everything else is not important. If you don't feel good i will never blame you." I nodd and kiss him "i miss you too. So much. You know that." He nodd and we kiss again. I could see he was a little bit desapointed and i feel bad for it. "I'm lucky to still have you by my side after everything we've been through.
- i'll always me by your side" i smile. My phone start ringing, it's Jonathan. "Hello john
- how are you today?
- I'm good. Yesterday after you left i opened to Blake and today my family came.
- That's great Lana. I'm proud of you and happy for you.
- Thanks. Wanna come meet him? We're alone at home now.
- Well Jessy is here now. Maybe when she leave.
- She can come you know.
- Well i'll talk to her and let you know.
- Great." Blake had his arm around my neck, he ask me "who was it?
- Jonathan. He will maybe come with his friend. Kind of girlfriend.
- Okayy. Btw how did you guys meet?
- The day i came to Malibu, my car got a problem on the road. Since he have the same car he helped me. And he knew i had a bad week. We talked about it and became friend.
- I'm glad you were not alone. He seems cool.
- yeah he is." After 1 hour, Jonathan came but he was alone. Chuck and Charlie came too, while mom and dad decided to stay together in the hotel next to the house as a little vaccation.
Blake was taking care of the barbecue with Charlie while me, Jonathan and Chuck brings tables and chairs outside on the beach. Jonathan say "I'm gonna go see the guys outside. Maybe they need something." Letting me and Chuck alone. "He's kinda hot" she says bitting his lips. I laugh and say "yeah he is.
- Did something happened between both of you?
- Geez no. Of course not. We're just good friends. He's really nice.
- Good.
- Oh shit i know what you're thinking about." I say laughing. "You do?" She asks winking. Then i say "he have a kind off girlfriend. Her name is Jessy.
- Well maybe he'll forget about her. Since he didn't even bring her with him.
- Yeah maybe" i smile. Blake came and hug me from behind "what you girls are talking about?
- Jonathan. We have to make it work between him and Chuck." He laughs and say "Well Chuck is hot, he's probably thinking about her now." I hit his arm and say "Stop flirting with my sister in front of me" we all laugh and he say "i'll go back outside. So you guys keep talking
- Thanks" when he leaves Chuck asks me "how are you guys?
- Fine i guess.
- I feel like something's wrong between you?
- He tried earlier, after you send the text but i stopped him.
- why?
- I slept with Jim. The night he died. And it was pretty aggressive. There are still some marks. I don't want him to see it.
- You did it for Blake right?" I nodd and look down. "So don't blame yourself Lizz
- It's not only this. I just hate myself these days a lot. We can talk about it later. Now let's go" she kiss my cheek and we go outside and have dinner all together. We talked about almost everything. Chuck and Jonathan were always laughing together. Blake and him played guitar and Chuck took a lot of picture as always. Charlie and I talked about his work. He seems happy with it. He's working with a new cinema company. I miss touring and working on new music. It seems like forever. But now after the paparazi know about the prison they'll ask so much questions. I need to stay away from the media a while. "Lana sing for us pretty when you cry" Charlie says while Blake start to play the song.

After a long night with the guys, we told Jonathan to sleep over, not wanting him to drive after drinking. I didn't drink tonight, i'm trying to avoid it. There is so much guest rooms.

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