Chapter 131

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Lana's pov
We left the studio really late, i couldn't sing well today, probably not in the mood. We only recorded 1 song, which isn't a good job. I haven't talk to Blake since that conversation we had. I'm really pissed at him. Ben was sitting next to me, he tried to talk about it but i said i didn't want too. He doesn't know the real story, so he won't understand. "Lana if you're tired we can take tomorrow off.
- No, i'm fine. I'm sorry today was a waste of time but i promise tomorrow i'll be better. 
- Don't worry about it." I smile to him and we get back to the hotel. I go to my room and take off my clothes and wear a pijama. I hear someone knocking on the door. "Who is it?
- Hey Lanz. It's me. Blake.
- Go away Blake. I don't want to see you now.
- Please Lana. Just one sec." I open the door and ask "What do you want? Tomorrow is a long day go sleep.
- Can i come in? I need to talk to you." I move from the way and let him in. I close the door behind him and cross my hands. "I'm listening.
- Last week, Nikki and I were talking about the baby, she said she can't tell her parents about the baby because they won't get it if we're not married. She said we need to do a wedding before her stomach get bigger, and she asked me if i was sure i want to live the rest of my life with her.
- And you said yeah." He tries to hold my hand but i take it away and say "Don't touch me!" He was still not looking at my eyes. He continue "Lana i don't love her. You're the one who told me i can't let the baby without a father. I have no choice." I don't answer so he add "She started to plan everything. The wedding is next month. I didn't want you to know from a text or anything. I wanted to tell you but i was too scared to face the truth."

Blake's pov
I feel Lana's hand on my cheek. "Look at me in the eyes." I couldn't do it. I didn't want to see her sad again because of me. "Blake please. Look at me." I take a deep breath and look at her. I look at her teary eyes and i say "I'm so sorry Lana." She was trying not to cry, cuddling my cheek. I take her in my arms and hug her tight. She started to cry. A lot. "I'm so sorry baby. I never wanted all this." She rub her eyes and say "It's okay. But leave. I'll see you tomorrow. Tonight i need to stay alone." I kiss her forehead and say "As you wish. See you tomorrow"
She gives me a little smile and open the door for me to leave. "bye
- Bye Blake"

Lana's pov
When Blake left i started to text Chuck. She called me on facetime and we talked about the wedding. I cried a little bit but it helped me feel better.
"Lana i have two days off, do you want me to come?
- No no stay in New York. You don't have too. Stay with Charlie and mom and dad.
- Just call when you need to talk. You should go sleep now, tomorrow is a long day.
- Okay goodnight babe"
When i'm done i take my laptop and continue writings songs. I get a text from Blake "I love you babe. Goodnight." I decide not to answer, he'll probably think i'm sleeping. At 5am i finally go to sleep. I'll have a hard time waking up tomorrow but i couldn't sleep.

Ben's pov
At 11 am i knock on every door, like usually to tell them to be ready. They all answer but Lana. I start calling on her phone but it's off. I'm starting to get worried. "What's wrong?
- Lana, her phone is off and she's not opening her door.
- What? Really?" Blake start panicking. "I'll go tell the reception to open the door for us." He say running. I start to tap on door "Lana. Lana are you there??" But she wasn't answering. I start hearing the phone of the room ringing. Byron say "It must be the reception. They are calling the room."
Then suddently we hear the phone stopping. I start to tap on the door again "Lana Lana are you here?" She finally opens the door. She was so sleepy. "Thank god" i say hugging her. "what's wrong?
- It's been hours we try to enter but you're not answering.
- Sorry my phone died at night, so i had no alarm. I slept really late last night, i was writing songs. What time is it?
- 12pm.
- Oh god we're late. I'll wear my clothes and i'll get down. You can wait in the bus if you want. I won't be late." Blake came running and he hug her tight. "You're okay" he say. We all started to laugh and she push him away laughing too "i am but you are?
- I got so worried Lanz." He say letting her go. "i'm fine just sleeping" she answers laughing at him. I'm glad they are fine together. "Lana we will be waiting for you in the bus. Don't be late." I say. "okay just 5minutes" she say closing her door. We all get down the hotel and wait in the bus for her to finish to get ready.

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