Chapter 96

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Lana's pov
Tears started to fall from my eyes and i decide to cook the cake now so i don't stay with Pactrick. Suddently i feel a hand on my ass. I turn fast and shout "Don't touch me." Then i realize it's Blake. "Babe are you okay?" I shake my head and say "Yeah sorry
- Lana were you crying?
- No i'm fine." I take the dinner and put it on the table. "Dinner is ready." He follow me and sit next to me on the table, while Patrick sit facing him. I start putting wine for each one of them and put some in mine. Blake looked at me surprised but didn't stop me. I finish my first glass really fast, and add another one. I stayed quiet all dinner while Blake and Pactrick were talking together about i don't know what. "Babe? Babe.
- huh what?
- Dad is talking to you." I look at him to see what he wants. "Dinner is delicious thank you" fuck him. I hate him. "thanks"

Blake's pov:
Since i left Lana is pretty weird. She's so quiet and seem so tired. I hold her hand from down the table, she looks at me and fake smile. Then let go my hand and start to put more wine. "Babe don't you think you had enough?
- I'm fine." And she gets up take 2 plates with her and go in the kitchen. And kept doing this untill there is nothing on the table. "I'll bring the cake."
"Dad did you said something to Lana while i was away? Why is she acting like that?
- Oh no. Nothing happened. She probably drank too much.
- She doesn't usually drink. It's weird." I don't know what happened but he is hiding something. I'm sure he said something she didn't like. He gets up and say "i'll go to the toilet" i nod and i go to see Lana. I see her drinking even more in the kitchen "Lana stop it. You will regret it later
- Blake i said i'm fine. Let me fucking do what i want." She hold the cake and walk to the living room to put it on the table, but make it fall. "Damn it!!" She shout hitting the table. "Lana!" I say holding her hands. "What's wrong babe? Tell me." She starts crying. I hold her in my arms and rubb her back. "Talk to me babe, what happened?
- Blake it's your dad.
- My dad? What's the matter.
- I can't talk now. I can't." I kiss her front head and say "It's fine. I'll tell him to leave and we'll talk about it. Everything will be fine." She nod and and sit on the sofa, putting her head on her hands.
When my dad get out of the bathroom, i say "Dad, Lana is tired, the cake fell on the floor. I think it's better if you leave. She need to get a rest. Tomorrow she have a show.
- Yeah of course kiddo. Just let me say bye to her." He walk in the living room and say "Goodnight Lana"
She gives him and angry look and say "bye". And he leave. I sit next to Lana and say "What happened Lana? I'm worried now.
- Blake you need to know something." And while she was trying to continue she started to cry again. "It's okay. Cry, you'll feel better. And if you want we can talk about it tomorrow. You're tired." I kept her in my arms, while i was thinking about what could have happened. What did he said to her? "Come we'll go to bed" i say helping her to get up. She sits on the bed and i go open her bag and give her a pijama. After she wore it, i lay next to her and we were facing each other. I take her hair and put it behind her ear. "You're still the most beautiful girl on earth even when you're crying." She fake smile, i kiss her front head and ask "what did he told you? Tell me what happened?" She gets up and go take a cigarette. I follow her and she say "I really don't how you will react. There is so much you doesn't know." I take a cigarette from her pack and light it. I sir next to her and say "So tell me what i don't know." She was pretty surprised, she took a deep breath and say "first you have to promise me you will listen to me to the end of the story."
I started to really worry now. The cigarette between my lips i say "I promise. Just say it Lana. She closes her eyes, stand up then look at the sky and say "Blake, i slept with your dad."

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