Chapter 17

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Lana's POV:
When we arrive, we enter the club and go to dance, i tried not to stay next to Blake a lot so no one will notice we're together. I saw like 6 fans but i don't care i just want to have fun. We start dancing, everytime Blake was coming next to me, i tried to act normal. Chuck and Keegan was dancing and laughing together, then Byron come and tell us: "Let's go take shots." Blake look at me like he was worrying about my drinking problems, i tell: "It's okay just let me have fun i'll be carefull" he smile and we follow Byron to the bar and start taking shots and drinking. After drinking a lot, we all started to get drunk, Blake came to dance with me, i took his hand and go hide somewhere where we can be alone, we start making out, i was drunk i start to kiss his neck he try to stop me and say: "Lana you said you don't want people to know about us. We can't do anything here.
- We're alone now, kiss me babe." He start kissing my neck and sucking it. I see Chuck and Keegan come to the place we are, they were totally drunk they didn't even notice me and Blake. We were all drunk. Blake couldn't stop kissing my neck. "Let's stop now Blake, you're turning me on. Keep it for home." He smile and take me to dance again. We see Byron dancing with a girl and keeping touching her. "Blake i'm going in the toilet. Stay here." I went to the toilet and see some girls taking drugs, i kept staring at us until one girl ask: "Want some?" I smile to her and took the weed. After 5 minutes in the toilet I here Blake shouting: "Babe are you okay?" And see me with the weed. He give me an angry look and leave, i throw it on the floor and follow him. "Blaake wait!" He went out the club "Blake come on it's nothiiing
- That's how you have fun?
- i swear i stopped everything, it's the first time since 6months." He was drunk but not as much as us. I get closer to him, kiss him and say: "doon't worryyy about meee, i'm fiiine." We start making out then i see some paparrazi taking pictures, i took Blake's hand and we go back into the club. We didn't found anybody, it was like 2am, me and Blake were dancing and having fun. Byron Chuck and Keegan were lost. Blake kiss me and say: "Let's go home i need you babe" i kiss him hard and took his hand and go out, the paparazzi came and start asking: "Lana are you with Blake? Is he your boyfriend? Are you cheating on Francesco?" I try to ignore them then I say: "Whoo caares?" then kiss Blake in front of them, then we got in the first taxi we see and go back to my house. Once we arrive i run into the toilet and start throwing up. Blake was holding my hair and say "Lana we did a mistake" i brush my teeth and drink water then say: "Let's sleep i'm sooooo tireeed" and we fell asleep on my bed with the same clothes. The next morning my head was hurting so much, i don't remember anything of last night. Blake was next to me, we were still in our clothes. I get up and look at myself in the miror, i see a big hickey and my neck. What the fuck happened yesterday? I get on my phone and see a message from Francesco: "Oh so you're with Blake now?" How does he know? I'll ask Blake when he wakes up, maybe he remember something. Blake's phone got message, it's Byron: "Blake I need help, i found myself in a bed with 2 girls. Come pick me up" he sent the adress. I didn't want to wake up Blake so I took my car keys and go pick up Byron. When i arrive, i send a message to Byron: "I'm down the house, come here" then i see Byron coming he look at me and ask: "What the fuck happened last night?" I laugh and say: "I really wish i know" I start the car and we go to my house. Byron say: "You're still in your clothes and Blake was sleeping at your house?
- To be honnest i don't remember a thing, i got a text from Francesco asking me if i'm with Blake.
- Wow Lana what's that big hickey?
- Let's hope it's Blake." We both laugh, i stop at a bakery and go buy a breakfast. Then we go home. When we arrive Blake was awake he look at me and say: "what the fuck? Don't tell me you slept with Byron!" I start laughing and say: "No i went to pick him up, see your message." Blake put his hand on his head and say: "What a night! I can't remember a lot." We laugh and Byron say: "same man same." We start eating breakfast then i call Chuck: "Hey Chuck
- Hey Lana. How are you?
- I'm fine and you?
- I can't remember anything about last night. What the fuck happened?
- Same here, i woke up next to Blake with our clothes on, Byron woke up next to 2 girls, i went to pick him up. And I don't know how Francesco know i'm with Blake.
- What the fuck? Well i guess we will never know.
- Hahaha yeah. Come with Keegan. I'm having breakfast with Byron and Blake.
- It's okay. Keegan is still sleeping. He's leaving tomorrow so i guess we're gonna stay alone today.
- Okay if you change your mind, you're always welcome.
- Thank you. Well i'll leave you.
- Okayy see you." Blake look at me and say: "Actually i remember something
- Me: Say it.
- Blake: I saw you in the toilet and you were smoking weed.
- Me: What the fuck? You're fucking kiding me.
- Blake: No and then we went out and we start kissing i think." I show him my hickey and say: "Please tell me this is you.
- Yeah i guess.
- Thank god." Byron was on twitter and his eyes became big then he show us some video of paparazzi and me talking and me and Blake kissing. "Oh my god! Now everybody will think i'm cheating on Francesco!" I get up and go in my room and close the door. After 5minutes, Byron knock on the door: "Hey Lana, Can I come in?
- Yeah." He open the door and say: "Well i haven't sleep so i'm gonna go home. Need something?" I get up, hug him and say: "No thank you, see you soon" he smile and leave.

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