Chapter 26

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Lana's POV:
At 7 oclock i've put Blake in Nikki's house and i go to my parents's house. When i arrive i go in the kitchen and ask my mom if she needs help. "So where do you had lunch with Blake today?
- We ate in some hotdog snack.
- What about the paparrazi?
- Today no one saw us. It was good." It would be weird if i tell her we went to a hotel all day.

During dinner i ask: "why you wanted me alone tonight?
- Dad: well first of all we wanted to appologies.
- me: Of what?
- Mom: for everything we did on your young ages. But it was the only way to protect you and build a future for you." I didn't answer and continue eating, not even looking at us. Then my dad say: "these days we can see that you're making efforts to stay with us, but we all know in that house that you hate coming to se us. But thank you for coming.
- You don't need to thank me." My mom started to cry and say: "We're really sorry, all i'm asking you is to forgive us and if you can't i understand." Nobody talked for 1 minute then i say to them: "What's done is done. And actually i am who i am today because of this. I know i wasn't the perfect kid you wanted to have, but i was living in the street and you never did something about it. Chuck was the only one asking about me and caring, she even worked and brought me an appartement with her. I really want to forgive you but sometimes i feel like i can't. I know you regret what you did, i do too. And i believe people change but i don't know. And to be honnest i'm doing the efforts because i promised Blake i will." My mom get up and try to leave, i take her hand and make her sit: "Mom i didn't finish. I'm gonna stop being a bitch with both of you and i will try my best to forgive you but it's gonna take time. And you will have to deal with it. I will visit you more if you go to New York and face that house where all the bad things happened.
- Dad: Thank you Lizzy
- Me: And actually i realized that i was making things harder not wanting to see you but this time i had a really good time. Let's try be a family again." My mom jump on me and hug me so hard. I laugh and say: "I love you guys" then my dad comes and hug us. We were all laughing and having a good time, then my ask: "Where is Blake?
- With Nikki, they're writing songs.
- You're sure about it?
- Yeah why?" He look at me in the eyes and say: "I think he's not who you think he is." I laughed and say: "Why are you saying this? What happened?
- Lana i think he's cheating on you." I laughed and say: "With who?
- Sarah..." My mom had a surprised face. I stopped laughing and ask: "Why are you thinking this?
- Yesterday night Sarah went in his room and he was wearing only a boxer, i don't know what happened but it's what i saw.
- Impossible, yesterday i slept with Blake.
- Maybe you were sleeping.
- No, we heard someone on the door so i go to hide in Chuck's room. When i came back he told me no one came, he went to see if someone was awake. He were lying." My mom took my hand and say "I'm sorry Lizzy.
- Don't be. We don't know what happened. But you should tell this to Charlie, not me. Because he's really not listening to me, he really loves Sarah." And we continue to have dinner talking about my project for my new album 'Ultraiolence'. When we finished, i kiss my mom and my dad and say: "I'm tired i'm gonna go sleep." Then i go in Chuck's room and stay on twitter and instagram to try to forget why Blake lied to me. I really thought we was honnest. I go in my room where Blake's bag are and i start searching for my pack of cigarretes, but i can't find it. So i go back down stairs and say to my mom that i'm going to see a friend. I get in my car and go buy a pack of cigarretes, and go back in the car. Then my phone start ringing. It's Francesco, i really don't want to talk to anyone rightnow but i answer: "Hey Lana, i hope you're not busy.
- Hey. No i'm not. Why?
- Just wanted to talk to you.
- Well i'm a bit tired, but it's okayy let's talk 5 minutes.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing. Why?
- Lana i know you. I know from your voice that something's wrong.
- Yeah but i'm not talking about it with you, it will be too weird.
- Why? Is it about Blake?
- Yeah...
- If you don't want to talk about it it's okay. But how can i help?
- You can't. Thank you. Don't worry it's not that bad.
- If you need someone to talk to, i am your friend Lana." I told Francesco all the story and he told me: "I'm sure he's not cheating on you, maybe just don't want you to worry. Talk to him and figure out with him." Talking to me helped me a lot, i'm glad i told him everything. He always have been a good friend and actually he will film one of my video, probably ultraviolence next month. After smoking and talking on the phone for 1 hour i go back home and go in my room and wait for Blake to come. At 2 am he was still at Nikki's house, he sent me a message at 12 telling me that he will be probably late. I didn't answer and go sleep in Chuck's room locking the door between my room and his, and locking the other one.

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