Chapter 16

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Lana's POV:
We're in Blake's car, Chuck went with her car. I ask  "Does Byron know we're together?
- No I haven't talk to him since he left,  he forgot his phone here.
- Well he'll be really surprised.
- Hahaha yeah." When we arrived at the airport, there were a lot of paparrazi like always, Blake was holding my hand, when we enter i left it so no one could see. We waited for Chuck, when she came we go to the waiting place. We saw Keegan arrive Chuck start running and she hug him, i look at Blake and smile, he smile back. Byron wasn't here yet, we eait for Keegan and Chuck to come closer to us then i go hug Keegan, and Blake and him do their handshake. Chuck say: "Guys i'm gonna leave with Keegan, we'll see you tonight, we hug her then they leave. After like 5minutes, we see Byron coming we go to him and hug him he say: "aw i missed you guys!
- We missed you too Byron.
- Let's go in the car." When we arrive in the car, i set in the back to let Byron sit in front, but Byron don't let me so i go back in the front. While driving Blake took my hand and say to Byron: "Let me introduce you to my new girlfriend" Byron eyes became big then he say: "What? Finally!" I laughed then say to him: "you won't have to listen to him talking about what can he do to get me anymore." Blake look at Byron and ask: "Man did you tell her?" Byron laugh and say:"of course not"
I looked confuse and say: "Tell me what?" Nobody answered then i shout: "Oh my god have you ever did it?" Blake became red and Byron was laughing behind us. I start laughing and kiss his hand. I look at the back and say to Byron: "Tonight we're going to a night club with Chuck and Keegan.
- Yeahh let's party all night."
Blake stop the car and say: "Guys where are we going?" Byron answer: "You guys come to my house." Blake look at me and ask: "You're in?
- I'm tired, put me home and stay with him, i'll see you at night.
- No Lana you're coming with us.
- Babe i'm tired, it's okay." Blake start the car again, he put me home and go to Byron's house. Once i get home i go in my room and see my clothes, i have to choose what i'll wear tonight. My phone start ringing, it's Barrie. I'm really angry at him and i really don't want to answer but i want to hear what he wants to tell me. "Hey Lana
- What do you want Barrie?
- I know you're mad at me, you have all your rights i just want to tell you i'm really sorry.
- Okay
- We're not together anymore and it's my falt but seing you with another man broke my heart.
- I'm sorry Barrie but you have to move on, nothing is gonna happen between us anymore.
- i know i'll try. But i'm really sorry.
- It's okay. I have to go. Need something?
- No, thank you. Bye.
- Bye Barrie." I start thinking what i'm gonna wear tonight, i choose my red dress. I go get a shower and start getting ready, i put my make up on. At 8pm Blake text me: "Babe I left Byron's house, i'm gonna go get ready. At 9 i'll pick you up." I text him back: "Come here when you're ready, we will go with my driver. I'll text Byron Chuck and Keegan to be here at 9" i take my phone and tell everybody to be here at 9. Then i text the driver: "Hello Harry, can you pick me up at 9. Please."
"Sure i'll be there."
After 30minutes Blake is here: "Hey babe" he kiss me "Hey Hun" he look at me and say: "Fuck you're beautiful" i come closer to him and say "Thank you babe" then i kiss his neck. He put his hands on my butt and whisper: "Let's continue what we were doing this morning" i laugh, kiss again his neck and say: "We're gonna bet interrupted again. Let's wait for tonight, sleep here." He hug me and we start making out. He push me on the sofa, get on the top of me and keep kissing me. I wanted to tell him about Barrie, while he was kissing my neck i say: "Babe" he put his finger on my lips and say: "Not now" i laugh and say: "I have to tell you something before the rest come.
- Okay let me kiss you for 10 min, we have the time." I put my hand on his neck and we start making out again. "I love you Lana. Never forget that.
- Way more" My phone start ringing, Blake roll his eyes and ask: "Do you really have to answer?" I laugh them he get up. I take my phone, it's Chuck. "Hey Chuck.
- Hey Lan, me and Keegan are ready can we come now?" Blake shout for Chuck to hear: "Fuck you Chuck it's the third time!" Then Chuck shout on the phone: "Eww again?!" I laugh and say: "Come we're waiting for you.
- Lana if you guys are busy we can come later really.
- Hahaha no don't worry we were just making out.
- Good, 5 minutes and we're here.
- See you.
- Bye." Blake start kissing me again: "Blake i have to talk to you, they'll be here in 5 minutes
- What's wrong?
- Barrie called me.
- What does he want?
- He called to say sorry. Nothing more. I said it was okay.
- Okay i'm glad it's fine. Let's see if he'll call me.
- I'm sorry, you were good friends.
- Lana it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself, he's a dick sometimes." I kiss Blake and go put again my lipstick that he removed. Chuck and Keegan came, we hug them, and just after Byron came. We waited for Harry to arrive then we got in the car.

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