Chapter 83

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Lana's pov
"Blake please leave
- Come" he say opening his arms so i hug him.  "I don't want to see you and i don't want to talk to you." He gets in the room and close the door behind him "I did it for you" he say holding my face so i don't turn. "I don't need you to do anything for me. You're nothing for me. Just leave me alone. I hate you.
- You don't mean it.
- I do! You're not the Blake i loved! What's wrong with you? Since when you hit people like that?" He doesn't say anything so i add "I'm not reconizing you anymore. If he hitted you i wouldn't be surprised but from you, i can't believe it. I don't want to see your face anymore. Now go.
- I'm not leaving you untill you tell me you're happy with him." We were looking at each other's eyes. He was waiting an answer but i couldn't lie. I look down and say "I'm happy with him
- Say it again this time looking at me.
- Blake leave i'm begging you." A tear started to fall on my face. "Not before i'm sure that you're happy." I push him and shout looking at him in the eyes "I'm happy with Francesco!" I felt a knife in my heart, i don't know if it's because it hurted him or because i realized how unhappy i was. He leave the room and i continue to pack. When i finished i left the hotel and went to the airport. On my way Byron called me "I'm sorry for your loss Lana, may he rest in peace.
- Thank you.
- i just saw your text. We lost Blake.
- He's at the hotel. I saw him before i left.
- Oh i'm sorry it's a hard day for you. Blake still doesn't know about what just happened.
- yeah i realized. Can you say it to Francesco, he took a room.
- Yeah sure Lanz. Have a safe trip.
- Thank you. And thank you for stopping them today.
- bye."

I arrived in New York at 2am, i went to our house in Lake Placid. Mom and dad were sleeping but Chuck and Charlie were waiting for me. We got into my old room were there was 2 beds. We kept talking untill 5am, i told them what happened with Blake and Francesco, Charlie told us about his new girlfriend and Chuck about Keegan. It was good, it's been a long time we haven't chill together. Me and Chuck fell asleep in the same bed and Charlie on the other bed.

In the morning i woke up on dad's entering the room and covering us. I get up and hug him. It was around 10 am. "honey go wake up your brother and your sister, we have to the church, people will come to the condolence.
- ok but don't wait for us we slept at 5 am, they won't woke up fast.
- Okay your mom is getting ready, when she's done we'll leave. Don't be late." I go in the room and turn on the light. "Charlie. Chuck. Wake up. We have to go." I go in the kitchen and make 3 coffees. When they woke up we drank it while getting ready. At 11:30 am we were at church with all the family for the condolences. Barrie came, we talked a little bit but he stayed with Charlie more. Keegan and Franco came, we went outside a little bit. Keegan was with Chuck, she was really sad, she used to see grandpa a lot. I used to see him once in a year so i don't really feel his death. Franco putted his arm around me and appologized because he didn't told me what happened. I told him what happened with Francesco and Blake, he knows i still have feelings for Blake, so he was trying to convince me Blake still loves me. But i don't really know anymore, i mean how can he loves me when he wants me to move on. When we were talking about him i saw him coming from far with the rest of the band. He stayed in the car and Kevin Byron and Tom came down. "I don't know if i'm ready to talk to him" i say to Franco while we're watching them. "I think he knows it. We should go back in.
- please stay with me inside"
We got in while the guys were talking to my parents, Franco sit next to me and they came, i hugged them all and thank them for coming. Byron say "Blake is in the car, he told me to ask you if he could come in.
- Tell him to come, he can't wait in the car." He go outside and came back with him. Blake said "i'm sorry for your loss" and went to sit away from me. Franco held my hand because he knew how broken i was. Chuck came back, she saw Blake and stayed with him a little bit then she came sit next to me. "He came" she said, pretending we're not talking about him. "Yeah, he asked if i wanted him here
- I asked him why he's sitting alone there, he said you're probably still angry and he doesn't want to bother you, but he came so you know he'll always be here for you.
- after all i said yesterday i don't know how he could stay here." Franco asked what did i said. I told him every hurtful things i lied to him. "what about Francesco? Why he's not here?
- I don't know. I thought he'll be here." I go sit next to Byron and ask "you told Fran?
- yeah but he didn't said anything. I told him we will travel so come to you." I roll my eyes then i say "You don't need to stay all day, you're in vaccation go have fun please.
- We'll stay 2 hours and leave. We'll come everyday.
- Yeah please. I don't want you to stay here. Go relax. You must be tired and we only have 5 days of pause, the condolences are 4 days."
After two hours they left, Franco left too. I stayed with Chuck and Charlie.

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