Chapter 162

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Blake's pov
It's been exactly 2 weeks i haven't heard from Lana. Everyday i try to call her or text but she never answer. I left a lot of voicemail too. I don't think she's in New York anymore. The paparazzi started to leave her house. She probably left because of them, but they never saw her. I called her parents and even Chuck and Charlie but they lost her too. I don't know what she did to take me off of prison. I just knew they found Jim dead, but it's not Lana who killed him. "I'll go to Malibu. She's probably there. It's harder for the paparzi to go to her there." Mom holds my hand and say "i want to come with you.
- No mom. Stay here." She nodds and say "Blake she loves you. More than anything. Never doubt that." I nodd and start to pack. I take the first plane and land there. When i get there i text Chuck "I'm in Malibu. I'll search for her there. I'm sure she's not in NY anymore.
- Tell me if you know anything. I have a big job to do. I can't leave before next week." I take a cab and go to her house. I see her standing on the balcony. I stare at her for a while then go knock on the door. I wait some sec before i hear a guy ask "Who is it?" Just second later i hear Lana's voice say "don't open to anyone. Please." I start knocking the door and i start begging "Lana. It's me. Blake. Open the door. Please." She doesn't answer. The guy say "Listen boy, she doesn't want to see anyone. Don't worry about her. She's fine. But leave.
- I need to talk to her. Please. Let me in.
- you really should go. She's not opening." I hit the door with anger and wait in front of her house. I have nowhere to stay anyway. I'll just wait for her to open that damn door here. And who's that guy? Why is she seeing him and not me? I really need to talk to her. I call Chuck: "Hey chuck
- Blake. Did you saw her?
- Yeah but from the balcony. She didn't saw me. I knocked on the door and a guy answered and told me to go away to and that Lana doesn't want to see anyone.
- he didn't open the door?
- Lana told him not to.
- What will we do now?
- I'm gonna stay near her house. She can't stay inside all the time.
- Blake.
- Yeah?
- Thank you. For not giving up on her.
- Yeah. Bye Chuck
- Bye"
I look at Lana's house and notice she was looking at me from the window. When she see i saw her she just walk away.

Jonathan's pov

"Lana i think you should do talk to him.
- No i can't. I don't want to talk about what happened.
- Lana it's been 2 weeks the only person you've seen is me. You can't stay like this.
- I can't see Blake. I can't tell him.
- Lana you didn't kill Jim. He's not dead because of you. Understand that!
- He's dead because i hated him. So yeah I'm responsible.
- Stop blaming yourself and see Blake. You need him next to you." I just don't answer and continue smoking. "I'm gonne leave. But please think about it." She nodd and walk to the door with me. Once i'm outside and she closed the door I walk to Blake who was waiting in front of Lana's house. He was sleeping. I wake him up. He look at me surprised. "Hey i'm Jonathan. Lana's friend.
- Hey. I'm Blake. Lana's..." He stop a little bit and say "Guitarist." Then he ask "Were you the one inside?
- Yeah. Listen Lana had a really bad experience and she's really not ready to talk about it. Don't get mad at her. She just needs time.
- How is she?
- She's fine. I tried to convince her to open you the door but she's too scared. Anyway. Don't wait here tonight. If you want you can come over.
- Thanks. Don't worry. I'll take an hotel room. There is one not far.
- As you wish. Hmm try again later. We never know if she'll open." He nodd and i walk to my car. Then i turn and say "She loves you. That's why she's avoiding you. Don't blame her. You'll understand when you know the story.
- Thanks" i nodd and leave.

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