Chapter 193

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Blake's pov

I was in Lana's hospital room. I was laying my head on the her bed, and holding her hand. Suddently i feel her move, grabbing my hand. "Lana?" She half smile, half asleep. "Baby i'm here with you. It's okay.
- What.. about..?
- Shhh Just relax now. We'll talk later." She nodds and continue sleeping.

Some hours later she woke up. I was still alone in her room. "Heyy baby" i say smiling to her. "Heyy. What happened? Why am i here?
- you passed out.
- Why? Is the baby fine?
- The doctors did some exams. They will come for the results at 7". I look at my clock and say "it means in 10 minutes." She nodds and say "come here", making me place on the bed. I lay next to her and she lay her head on my chest. "How do you feel?
- I don't know. The pain is gone but i'm so tired." Someone knock on the door. "It must be the doctor" i said getting up and opening the door.
"Hello mr Stranathan, hello miss Grant." We say hi and he ask "you're the father of the kid?
- Yeah it's me.
- Okay. I need to talk to both of you." Lana asks "Is the baby fine?
- Well..
- no please tell me the baby's fine." I sit next to Lana and hold her hand.

"After the results we saw that the humanitarian system of the baby isn't strong. Which is making you ms Grant more and more tired." I stop him and ask "What does it mean?
- Elizabeth have to relax untill the baby is born. So it means you can't continue the tour. She have to stay in a good mood, no stress, no anger. It all affect on the baby. If everything is good the baby will be born. We can't predict if she's gonna have health problems or not but if everything is controled she won't have big problems.
- Yeah mr Stranathan. You'll have a little girl." Me and Lana were very emotional. "I'm gonna let you guys alone. Elizabeth can go home tonight. I'll come back in 20minutes."

Lana's pov

I was so happy it's a girl. But so sad for what the doctor just told us. I started crying. Blake hugs me and say "no no. We're gonna fight with her. We'll have a beautiful girl. Just like you wanted." I nodd and say "i don't want her to live like that. To be carefull about everything.
- It's fine Lana. At least she'll survive." I nodd and he hugs me. "I don't want you to cry about it. We have to be strong. For you and for the baby
- And for you" i say grabbing his cheek. "Take me home. Please." He gets up and bring me my clothes. He helps me wearing it back and the doctor came back "i got a list of medecines you'll have to take for 6 month, you'll stop when the baby is born. No smoking. No drinking. No big efforts. Only smiles on your face. Doesn't mean you have to stay in bed all day but don't get tired. Here is my mail and my number if you need anything." He said handing his card. "Thanks
- Don't worry about your girl. There is a lot of case as yours. And it's not something impossible to solve. A lot of cures has been discovered but are still being tested. You have nothing to worry aboug." I nodd ans he adds "it was nice meeting you Ms Grant.
- Thank you doctor" he leaves and Blake kiss my forehead then we go back home after paying. Once i open the door i hear "Welcome back home!!!!" I see all my family with balloons and flowers. "Aww thank you guys." I hug each one of them. "I'll be right back" and i go in my room. I sit on my bed and start crying. Someone knocks on the door and i hear Chuck asking "Can i come in?
- Yeah" she comes and sit next to me, and put her arm around me. "Everything will be fine Lanz. I'm sure about it
- Blake told you?
- Yeah." He comes in and hugs me too. "You heard the doctor, you have to stay happy." I nodd and Chuck say "We're going to go have dinner together. Someone i want you to meet will meet us there.
- Who is it?
- Surprise" i smile and whisper "better be a new boyfriend
- Well maybe."
We go back to the living room and i try to act not sad. My parents and Charlie didn't open the subject. They acted like they didn't know. Probably just to not reminding me about it.

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