Chapter 170

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Lana's pov

Me and Chuck were cooking dinner while Jonathan and Blake were playing with their guitars. "So.. How did it happen?" I ask Chuck. "What? What happened..?
- You and Jonathan.
- oh well i have no idea, i was making a coffee and he came kissing me.
- and how did you end up in my room? There is at least 5 other rooms.
- your room was the closest one. Sorry" She says. I laugh and ask "so now you're together huh?" She doesn't answer. "Chuck you're together right? It was not just a thing right?
- Well that's the thing. We didn't talk about what happened... So i don't really know.
- What are you waiting for to ask him?
- i don't know Lanz.
- I can ask him for you if you want.
- No i'll talk to him later." I nodd and we go join the guys. We all ate together and before we go sleep i whisper to Chuck "Sorry i'm gonna use my bed tonight. You can use another one." She roll her eyes and whisper "don't worry we'll try the other ones.
- They're all yours. But please talk with him before. I don't want him to break your heart.
- I will now."

When me and Blake are in the bed, he told me "I asked Jonathan about Chuck.
- Really? What did you talk about?
- He loves her. But he's scared she doesn't mean it the same way he does.
- Well same for Chuck. She'll talk with him right now.
- I hope it will work between them. He's a cool guy.
- Yeah he really is. Anw what do you want to do for your birthday?
- i don't really know. Maybe we can just chill at home and have a romantic dinner?
- We can but don't you want to do something with your family and friends?
- i don't really care. You're all that matters to me." I smile and kiss him. "Goodnight baby
- Nighty."

Blake's pov

The next morning when i wake up i see that Lana's not next to me. I get up from bed and she opens the door of the bathroom. "Good morning" she says kissing me. I hold her and make her fall on the bed while she laughs. I say "you didn't do nightmares tonight.
- Well maybe because i didn't close an eye all night.
- Why?
- I don't know. I didn't sleep." I kiss her again and say "what did you do all that time?
- nothing. I went to the beach and stayed there for a while just staring at the sky and the ocean. Anw come we'll cook breakfast." I nodd and we go to the kitchen.
We started to cook waffles together when Jonathan came in. "Good morning loving birds.
- Look who's talking." Lana says. Then she ask him "since Chuck is still sleeping. Can i ask you something?" He sits on the table and say "Lana i love Chuck, and i'm not gonna hurt her. Since i saw her i liked her, i just wanted to make sure it's ok with you and be sure i want to be with her." I sit next to him and put my arm around his shoulder and say "you better be a good boyfriend, Chuck is like my sister, and not because i'm only dating Lana" he laughs and say "Same with you. You better not hurt Lana." Lana laughs and roll her eyes, then say "i'm gonna go wake up my sister"

Chuck's pov

"Chucky wake up." I hear Lana say wrapping her hands around me. I yawn and hug her back. "Come on Chuck." I smile and say "i'm awake
- Did you talk to John?
- Nope.
- Well i did. And he loves you.
- Really?
- Yeah we just talked to him. So you better go kiss him now." I kiss her and say "You're the best"
She laughs then say "So you're gonna help me prepare a birthday to Blake. It's in two days.
- Bring him a dog. It's been ages he wants one.
- Yeah good idea. But i thought we could rent a boat and make him a big fancy party.
- You know what? Since you're 24/24 hours with him let me and jonathan prepare it to him. I'll let you know everything.
- You'll really do that for me?
- Well yeah, you don't even know how to make surprises. And i can stay more with Jonathan.
- Well that's why i'm asking you to help me.
- You can count on me.
- Thank you Chucky."
We both get up from the bed and go join the guys. "Good morning everyone" i say as i kiss Blake on the cheek and Jonathan on the lips. He look at me surprised and while i was going away he catch my arm and say "come i need to talk to you" i smile and I look at Lana. She smiles too and take Blake away.

"We didn't talk about yesterday...
- What about yesterday?
- You know what. What are we?
- I should be the one asking. You're the one who came kiss me by surprise.
- And you're the one who kissed me now.
- can i do it again?" He smiles and say "sure" we make out and i say "you know what i want us to be. Now it's all your choice." He bit his lips and say "i want you to be my girlfriend.
- good" i say kissing him again.

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