Chapter 150

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Lana's pov
I woke up at 10 am, i send a text to Blake "Good morning baby. I did a cake, come have breakfast here.
- Ok i'm on my way. 5 min and i'll be here." It was around 11 am, when Blake knock on the door. I open and see him standing with a box. "hey baby" i say kissing his cheek. "Good morning hun
- What is this?" I ask taking the box and placing it in the kitchen table. "Hum yeah i don't really know. Open it"

Blake's pov
She opens the box and get surprised "Where did you get these Blake?
- I don't know, yesterday someone knocked on my door and when i opened i saw it."
She starts looking at the pictures with some sadness in her eyes. I put my arm around her and ask "Who is this?
- It doesn't matter anymore." She takes the box and take it in her room. I follow her "Lanz you okay?
- Yeah i'm fine. Forget about it now." She get out of the room fast and go sit back in the kitchen. She gives me cake and we sit in front of each other. I started to eat and she was just looking at her food overthinking. "Mmm it taste to good" i say trying to catch her attention. It didn't work so i try again, but fail. "Lana!" I say holding her hand. "What's wrong?
- Nothing Blake!! Leave me alone." She says getting up and just before she walks away i catch her hand and i was about to say something but she shout "I told you to fucking leave me alone!!!" I let her go and stand up, looking at her in the eyes. She start to cry and say "I need to be alone Blake, i'll call you later." I nodd and kiss her cheek than leave. I don't know why she's hurt that much. Who can be this guy?

Lana's pov
When Blake left i take the box again and look at the pictures. I started crying over and over again. When Jim died i burned all our pictures and all the memories, and now they are all in front of me. Blake doesn't know about Jim, and i was not planing to explain to him. I feel bad about telling him to leave but i need to be alone right now. Or maybe not totally alone. I get in my car, light a cigarette and drive to the cimetery. I sit next to Jim's stone and start staring at it. No one knew about me and Jim, who sent the pictures? I stayed about half an hour there. Every memory came back, hurting more each time. I decided to go home, take the box and go to Blake's bouse, i have to tell him the story, i really don't want to fight with him over this. When i get on the porch and knock on the door. Whem he opens the door, i say "I'm sorry" while crying. He hugs me and kiss my forehead. "Don't worry, come in" i nodd and go on the balcony to smoke. She sits in front of me and look at me with pitty. "I have to tell you the story
- If you don't want to, it's fine.
- I want to, it will just be hard.
- As you wish baby." I half smile and start to talk, with tears falling from my eyes. "Jim was my boyfriend, we used to be madly in love. He taught me everything, i was really young. It was when i first started to fight with my parents, he was always here for me." I kept telling him everything untill i came to the part of his death. "My parents told me to leave the house if i'm not gonna live with their rules, he had problems with his parents too so we decided to run away together. We were young and on the road we got distract and we did an accident... I stayed alive, he didn't." Blake holds my hand and i continue "when it happened i had no place to stay so i went back home and started to drink and take drugs even more. I burned all the pictures and everything that reminded me of him." Blake came sit next to me and ask "I can see in the pictures how much you loved him.
- Blake i loved him more than anything on earth. I was so sure that we were meant to be together. We were born to love each other. He was my world.
- I'm sorry baby." I light another cigrette "I know it's weird for you to hear this, but that's why i was this hurt and i asked to be alone." He puts me in his arms and say "I understand now. Why you never told me?
- I couldn't talk about this. Only Chuck knew. But now i want to know who putted this on your door.
- I really have no idea. But it's weird."

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