Chapter 134

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                       *3 weeks later*

Lana's pov
I was still in California, we finished the album last week i called it "Honeymoon"
The name is really personal to me, a lot of people won't understand but it's okay. I was still with Blake and he's getting married next week, to distract myself i was seing James Franco too, but as usual it wasn't serious. Chuck and i have been talking less even if we said sorry to each other. Nikki was comimg today which was annoying me. Blake just went to bring her from the airport so i told Franco to come so he'll get annoyed too. I was in my hotel room, sitting on the bed, when someone knock on the door. I get up and open it. "Hello sunshine" Franco says pushing me into the room and starting to kiss me. I start to laugh and say "Wow calm down." I push him on the bed and start kissing him. Someone knock on the door again. I get up and say "Just one sec" i open and see Blake this time. He's alone. He look at Franco and say "Lanz can we talk?
- Yeah sure come in.
- Um can we alone?" I look at James and say "Babe can you leave us alone?" He nodds and get up from bed, when he walk throught me, he slap my ass. I laugh and close the door behind him. And walk fast to Blake and push him on the wall and we start kissing. "I hate it when he's here" he say between kisses. I laugh and whisper "I know. That's why i told him to come." We continue kissing and he says "I should be asking you if you could sing to the wedding" i suddently stop and ask "Are you fucking serious? Blake i can't watch you get married. I don't even know if i'm coming. I don't know if i can do it.
- I know babe, but please. Do it for me not for her.
- I don't know.
- I'll give you time to answer me, Nikki is waiting for me. Please think about it.
- i hate her. Why did she had to come?
- I don't know she wanted too." I roll my eyes and kiss him again. "Stop messing around with James." Blake say walking to the door. "you can't blame me on that. And i love to see you like this." He laugh and leave with a serious face. Franco came back and we just lay next to each other on the bed. "what did he wants?
- For me to sing in his wedding.
- Will you?
- I don't even know if i can see him getting married" Since me and Franco aren't something serious, i made him understand that i still have feelings for Blake. He doesn't care so it's cool.
"I think you should go. It will kill him. He still loves you. You haven't seen his face when he saw i was here?." I laugh and say "he's getting married James.
- Because he has a child Lana." I look at him surprised. "how do you know?
- Chuck told me, she's the one who told me to talk to you and try to make you forget Blake. She told me all the story. I know you're with Blake.
- What the fuck? I can't believe it she did.
- It's fine. Just enjoy your time with him since you can. I don't care we both know we're just having fun. And i like to piss him off.
- I'm sorry i didn't meant to use you or anything.
- Don't worry Lanz i know. I like it actually." I laugh and hit his arm.
"Chuck thinks i'm not with Blake anymore?
- No i told her there is tensions between you. And that i'm always with you and not letting him alone with you.
- Thank you James. I miss her but i know she's so desapointed we've been really distant lately.
- She's just worried about you. She doesn't want you to get hurt.
- If i stop seing blake i'll get hurt too. So i prefere to enjoy every second i can be with him because i'll lose him anyway.
- I know. That's why i'm letting you alone with him when you can. And in the same time i'm distracting you. You'll feel less alone when that day will arrive.
- Thanks. For understanding.
- I always have your back." I lay my head on his torso. He takes his phone and take a selfie of both of us. He send it to Chuck. I laugh and say "Poor Chucky"
I get a text from Ben "Come to the loby, we're going to have lunch all together. Last lunch before we go back to New York." We get ready and get downstairs. Franco had his arm around my neck and we arrived in the loby i saw Blake and Nikki sitting next to each other, and kissing each other. Franco whispered "Just laugh and don't worry about the rest, he's gonna regret it" i nodd laughing.

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