Chapter 23

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Lana's POV:
While we were eating all together, my dad ask us: "So how much time you've been together?" Blake look at me, smile and say "Two weeks" then i look at Charlie and ask him: "What about you?
- 2 months i guess
- And how did you two meet?" Sarah laughed and say "Actually Charlie and I met in a night club, what about you and  Blake?
- Blake is my guitarist." She look at Blake with a weird look, i was gonna say something then i feel Blake's hand on my thigh, i'm sure he knows what i was going to say. I hold his hand and put our hands on the table still holding hands. Sarah looks at our hands then i say: "What's wrong Sarah?" She looked surprise then ask: "Nothing's wrong, why?
- You keep staring
- Because you're a beautiful couple." I did a fake smile than kiss Blake. Then i get up and say: "excuse me i need to call someone" and go in the kitchen. I hear someone follow me "What are you trying to do?
-Charlie i..
- No Ms Lana Del Rey, this time i'm gonna let you fuck my relation with Sarah. I really love her. And for once she's not one of your fans and using me just to fucking meet you.
- Charlie listen to me.
- I'm done listening to you." And he leave the kitchen. I'm trying to protect him, but i can't tell him of what. I don't know what to do anymore. I go back to the table and Charlie kept looking at me with his angry eyes. Blake took my hand under the table again and give me a look like he was asking me what's wrong. I hold stronger his arm and we continue to eat. My mom looked at me worried and say: "Lizzy can you help me bring the desserts?
- Yeah of course." I get up and follow my mom to the kitchen. "Lizzy what's happening?
- Just don't worry about it mom, i'll take care of it.
- Okay i wanted to talk about something else, but not tonight.
- What about tomorrow night?
- Thank you Lana" Blake came and help us take the food on the table. While eating the dessert it was pretty quiet. Blake wanted to broke the silence so he say to my mom: "It's really delicious! You should learn this to Lana." I laughed and say: "no learn it to him, he's the one who likes to cook" then my dad say: "or you should both come more. You're always welcome.
- Thank you dad. Why don't you go back to New York. I could come more." Dad did a surprised face then ask: "i thought you hated this house." I laughed and say: "i'll get used to it."  He smile then Charlie get up of the table and go in his room. Sarah look at him and say: "excuse me" and she follow him. Dad ask: "Lizzy what's going on between you and Charlie?
- He got angry because i talked like this with Sarah. Actually he's right, i'm gonna talk to her and appologies.
- I know you have a reason to talk to her like that? What is it?
- I can't tell. Maybe i'm wrong but i can't stop thinking about it.
- What is it? Tell me." I look at Blake and ask: "Can i?
- I'll do it." And Blake started to tell his story with Sarah: "Well me and Sarah were dating for 2 years a long time ago, before i know Lana and one night i went to her house and saw her in bed with my bestfriend. I told the story to Lana, and she realized she keeps looking at us. I told Lana not to say anything because maybe she changed.
- Maybe she changed but her feelings for you didn't. I can see it in her eyes the way she looks at you.
- Lana come on it was 6 years ago.
- Believe it doesn't matter." My mom say: "Lana is right, she's been looking at Blake since you came." I say: "Then Charlie came when i was in the kitchen and start shouting at me that he always broke up with his girlfriends because of me. He really loves her but i'm really worried about him, i'm sure she's gonna hurt him.
- Rob: Me too i'm worried about him.
- Me: Yeah i realized with that stupid new rule.
- Rob: Sorry Lizzy, you know me i don't have problems with you bringing your boyfriends and girlfriends but i'm not confortable with this one.
- Me: It's okay we'll get married now so we can sleeo together." They all laughed then dad say: "Try not to make sounds just for them to not make problems with your brother.
- That will be hard." Blake laughed and say: "Wow are we really talking about this with you?" I laughed and say "You'll get used to it" i look at my phone and see it's already 10pm "Well excuse us but we have to go prepare ourself and leave." My parents say in the same time: "Have fun" Blake smile and say: "Thank you so much! The food was amazing" then we go to my room and close the door. Blake put his hands on my hips and say: "Thank you for making efforts." I kiss him and say "I'll do anything for you." And we start making out. Then i say to Blake: "tomorrow i'm gonna have dinner with my mom. She wants to tell me something. Is it okay?
- Of course babe, i'll go write some songs with Nikki
- Okay thank you." I go in the bathroom, put some make up. And we go down stairs, say bye to everyone and leave to Nikki's house.

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