Chapter 67

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Lana's pov
The second i closed the door my tears started to fall. I run to the car and start to drive fast. I turn the radio on, volume maximum while crying on the road. Knowing that we broke up because of me is what is hurting me the most. I really broke his heart. Once i'm home i run to my room and go to bed and start to cry even more. I got a text, it's Francesco "Have you talk to him? Are things okay?" I'm not in the mood to talk and i know that if i tell him the truth he will want to stay with me.
I'm not gonna drink this time but i really need to smoke. I light my cigarette and start to smoke it enjoying it. Everytime one is done i light anothing one. Untill i realize i smoked a whole pack in less than one hour, but honestly it made me feel better. I finally lay in my bed with the same clothes i wore yesterday  and fall asleep.

Chuck's pov
Today i don't have a shoot. I was thinking of going somewhere with Lana. I keep calling her but she doesn't answer. So i decide to go to her apartement.

When i'm there she opens the door. She looked really like a mess. "Lizz!! What happened?" She answer with a tired voice "Nothing why?
- You look like a mess." She turn around and keep walking to the kitchen "Maybe because i'm a mess" i follow her and stop her then shout "Lana! What happened?" She started to cry and shout "We broke up! And it's all my fault." I hug her tight. I already had a feeling it won't last between them but i never told her cause she was gonna worry. "What happened? tell me.
- Yesterday after francesco finished the video he came over, he throw coffee on his shirt. I went in the room to bring him a tshirt and Blake came and found him shirtless in the living room. And he said our relationship is becoming too hard for him." I hug her again and say "Try to talk to him. Maybe he was still angry of Fran.
- No i'm going back to LA.
- I'm coming with you.
- Chuck you don't have to do that.
- I want to. I want to see Keegan too." She smile and thank me. Then bring her laptop and see the differents flights. "Tomorrow is fine with you?" She ask. "Yeah." She reserve the tickets and then say "You think i should talk to him?
- Yeah try one more time." She takes her phone and text him. I come closer to read what she will say: 'Can we see each other? I need to talk to you' she sigh then ask "btw why did you came? You need anything?
- i'm free today. I wanted to see you." She smile then kiss my cheek. "I'm lucky to have you" she add. I smile to her. Her phone got a text, she takes it fast and read out loud the text "Come over. In 1 hour will be fine." I nodd and say "Go take a shower and wear you're clothe. I'll drive and wait in the car." She gets up and go get ready.

After one hour we get in the car and i get her to Blake's house. She say "i'll just see if he's coming to tour and explain myself. I won't beg him anything.
- Yeah of course. Good luck." She smile and go knock on the door. And she finally enter Blake's house.

Blake's pov
Lana's here. I open the door for her after we just said hi. I can feel a tension and i can feel that she's hurt. But i'm sure after it we will build a stronger connection, it's just the beggining that is hard. "Umn i was wondering if you're still coming to tour. It's next week and if you're not we'll have to.." I cut her and say "Of course Lana. I'll always stay in the team. And i wish i can still be your bestfriend too." She smile then add "Yeah about that. Um i just wanted to explain again everything to you." I hold her hand to unstress her and say "Lana, i trust you. It's just that we keep fighting all the time, and when i asked you to marry me, and you said that you're not ready. It broke my heart. I just felt weak. And after i saw everything with Francesco and all the pictures, i know there is nothing between you. I trust you. But i just hate him. And i don't want you to make a choice between a friend and a boyfriend. If we're just friend, i hope we will still have the same connections without the sex and the kisses.
- Blake i'm sorry" she say looking away. Then she add "I said i'm not ready to marry you because i stayed with Barrie 4years and we were at 3 weeks of the wedding but it didn't work. I just wanted to be sure you're the right one for me. You remember how hard was it for me to forget Barrie. You were the one to help me." I nodd then she say "if it's what we need i'll stop see Francesco." I hug her and say "No we need much more. We lost much more. But we'll be both fine. I'll always be here for you. But we just need time the both of us to forget each other." She look at me in the eyes and ask "Why do we have to do that? We both love each other.
- Lanz, because we're both hurt. I know that me being hurt is hurting you too. If you want to do something for both of us is to forget me." She nodd and get away from me then say "I'll try. Well.. Chuck is waiting for me in the car. I'll leave." I smile and say "Take care of you. And if you need to talk i'm here even if i think i'm the wrong person for it right now. But if it's for something else, i'm here.
- Thank you ba.. Blake.
- Thank you for understanding Lanz. See you soon" she smile and go back in the car. I wave to Chuck to say hi and she do the same. And they go away.

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