Chapter 49

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Lana's pov
I just woke up from my nap, i get out of my room and go in the living room, Keegan wasn't here. Probably in his room. I'll just wait for him to come. I text Byron: "Have you talked to Blake?
- He's not answering his phone. I will go to see him now.
- okay let me know what happens.
- Sure. Just don't tell him i'm coming, or he'll not open the door.
- Don't worry we fought. We haven't talk since i left." Then Byron calls me: "Wait you fought because of what happened?
- Kind of. Just because he reacted so childish.
- Shit i'm so sorry Lana.
- Don't be, it's not your fault.
- I should have told him i'm with Nikki but it would be weird because of what happened between him and her.
- What you're really with her? I thought it was just not serious.
- I guess yeah. I don't know if it's serious.
- Well we fought because i told him he's acting like he love her.
- No don't worry about it. Blake only loves you, he's just over protective with his friends.
- Yeah i know. But he over reacted. You can do whatever you want to do. He didn't even say bye, he stayed in the car when i left.
- I'll try to talk to him and i'll text you what happens.
- Okay thank you Byr. Love you. See you soon.
- Me too. Ciao." Then i see Keegan walking into the kitchen, he didn't saw i'm awake. I follow him and say: "i'm awake. You slept?
- No i was editing some pictures. You slept well?
- Yeah thank you." I sit on the chair and ask: "so? What do you want to do? Go out or we stay here?
- I was talking to James, he wanted to see you i told him to come. He'll come around 10 pm, if you want we can go out for a coffee and we'll talk and then when James comes we just stay here.
- Great. Fine with me. I'll go get ready" he smile and i go in my room. I don't change my clothes, just put some make up. "I'm done" i say to Keegan. "okay come on let's go. I know a place with not a lot of people."
When we arrive, we ordered some coffee and cookies. "so what happened with Chuck?
- Actually it's just that we keep fighting all the time, now it's because she thinks i don't have the time to talk to her and i keep avoiding her. But i've been really busy last week. And now there is a big tension between us.
- i know Chuck, and she's not usually like this. She's acting like that because she misses you.
- I know. I miss her too. Next week i'll be free. I think i could go some days to NY. But i want to surprise her. I'm not gonna tell her.
- I think it's a good idea.
- Is she that bad? How did you know there is something?
- Well Chuck keeps talking and focusing on her work when she sad. It's her way to escape her problems.
- I'll try to talk to her tonight. What about you and Blake?
- Well yesterday he slept at my house.
- Yeah i can see it from your neck" he said laughing.
"Hahaha oh my god" i say hiding it. Then i continue: "This morning we went to his house pick up Nikki and we find her in bed with Byron. And he became crazy and angry.
- Why? Why does he care?
- I don't know, that's the thing. He went in the car not talking to Byron and Nikki. I followed him and try to calm him down and asking him why he's acting like that. I said that he's acting like he's in love with her and he became crazy. When i left he stayed in the car and just said "bye" like he doesn't care i'm leaving.
- Ohh geez. Have you tried to talk to him?
- No i'm waiting for him to call me. I know i was wrong telling him it's like he loves her but he's over reacting.
- Yeah i think you're both wrong. Wait for him to call you or just call him. Try to figure out why he was acting like that.
- I don't know if Chuck told you but he once kissed her when we were kind of a break.
- What? what the fuck?
- Yeah but i kissed Francesco too so whatever." He was pretty surprised. After one hour, we got back home. I talked with Chuck on the phone about what happened then to mom and dad to told them i'm back in LA. Tomorrow morning Keegan will drive me to the hotel i'm staying in. And then i'll join Ben and Nick to the studio so we can finish the new album. It will be out next month.

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