Chapter 76

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Lana's pov
Tomorrow i'm starting tour, and today is our last day for repeating. This morning when i was drinking my coffee i've throw everything on me. I had to change. Now I am driving to go to the studio but suddently my car stop working. I try lots of things to make it work but it seems it's just not my lucky day. "Shhit!" I shout hitting the car. I take my phone and call Byron "hey byr. I need you now. My car is not working. I need you to come and get me.
- text me your adress i'll come.
- Thank you so much" i send it and wait in the car hoping no one finds me. After 15 minutes i see Blake's car parking in front of me. I yell before he hear me "Fuck this day! I'll kill Byr!!" He get down of the car and walk near me. I smile politly at him and get down of my car. "'Thank you for coming but i don't know what to do or who to call now so they fix it
- I'll deal with it, if you want wait for me in my car.
- no it's fine" he takes his phone and call i don't know who. Gosh it will be really weird between us in the car. Plus i'm in a bad mood so... Blake walk back near me and say "They will come take your car and when we leave the studio i'll get you there to get the car
- Thank you Blake" i say really meaning it. We waited for the man who will fix it in Blake's car but we don't really talk together. When he finally comes i give him my car keys and we leave for the studio. While driving Blake try to open a conversation and ask "So how was Coney Island?
- Really good i had fun.
- And how is Chuck?
- She's fine. She's back in New York but will probably come for some shows.
- Great. You were with James right?" Fuck he probably saw all the rumors on twitter, he probably think i'm dating James. "yeah he was there" he smile and doesn't say anything back. Then i add before he ask anything about it "What about you? What have you done those days?
- oh to be honnest nothing. Chilling with Byron.
- Good"
Why is it so hard with him? Why is it hard for me to act normal with him? It was never like that with Barrie and Francesco. But i can feel a tension between me and Blake. It's like all i want to do is avoid him.
"What's wrong Lanz?" He ask me worried. "Nothink why?" I tried to act normal. "I know you, something is wrong
- Oh no just having a bad day.
- how can i help?
- Don't worry" we stayed silent untill we arrive to the studio. All day at the studio we haven't really had a conversation. We talked a little bit but nothing important. Tomorrow we're finally ready for tour.
It was time for Blake to take me bring my car. While he was driving all i could think about was the feeling that i have for him. He breaks my thought by saying "I miss you Lanz" i sigh and say "Me too" he stop the car and look at me. "I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted what's best for both of us.
- Blake please just coninue driving. It's what best for both of us." He take my hand and say "I need you to say we'll be fine.
- Blake please" he needed to shut up because if he will continue i won't be able to hide my feelings. "Say it please
- How should i say it if i'm not even sure? I'm tired of all this Blake. I just want to go home. Please stop talking about it i can't take it anymore!" He look at me in the eyes without answering. He slide his hand between my hair and get closer to me leaving a kiss on my cheek "i'm so sorry, i just want you to be happy" i doesn't say anything and he continue driving. When we got to the place where is my car they told us it needs one more week. "I'll take you to the airport tomorrow" Blake say. "I hate this day!" I yell letting all my tears fall. He takes my hand again and try to calm me down "Lanz calm down. It's okay you're just stressed and emotional today. You'll be fine." I take a deep breath and calm down. He takes me home and when it was time to say goodbye i smile at him and say "thank you so much Blake. And i'm sorry for my breakdown" he smile to me, i look at him in the eyes and place a little kiss on his lips. I was still close to him, he whisper "Would it really kill us if we kiss?" Then we start to make out. I finally push him away from me and say "i'm so sorry, i never should have kisssd you." I get out of the car and before closing the door i say "thank you again. See you tomorrow." And run to the house. What did i do? What just happened? Why did i kiss him? I'm totally lost and i fucking hate this day!

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