Chapter 69

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Lana's pov
After we kissed we both get back to the beach. "Where were you?" Chuck ask.
James say fast "Lana helped me find the polaroid." Chuck look at me weirdly but doesn't say anything. Shit i think she knows what was happening. "Come on let's take pictures!" Naomi say. We kept for like one hour taking pictures. "I want an ice cream who's coming with me?" James ask. I answer "i'm in" then Klaus add "Guys go buy for all of us.
- Okayy" answer James. We walked to the car and i say "Thank you James
- For what?
- Having the idea of bringing me here. It makes me feel better.
- Oh i thought for the kiss." I laugh and say "No you wish" he laugh and say "Too bad i could offer something else
- Eww Franco." He laugh and say "Relax i'm just joking.
- Too bad" i say joking. He looks at me and say "Don't try me
- Why not?" I say giving him a dirty smile. "You're crazy.
- I'm joking.
- Too bad." He say. We brought the ice creams and went back home. We gave everybody his. And we just sit while eating them. "It's so good" i say. "But chocoloate is way better." James answer. I look at him smiling and say "Of course if you haven't taste the vanilla
- Yeah that's true." I give him the ice cream and he taste it. He look at me in the eyes and say "Mine is still better.
- Why don't you accept that you're not the best in everything?" I say, he knew what i was talking about. "Why don't you trust me? You should do it more." He answer winking. I roll my eyes and take his ice cream to taste it. Chuck, Klaus and Naomi were talking about photography i think. I wasn't really concentrate on them. It was around 8pm. We decided to make dinner and just chill. "I'll go with Chuck and Lana bring the fishes. You guys go get the wine." Naomi say. We go in the car all together and once we're in the supermarket everybody go in a way to bring the things. Chuck find me and ask since we're alone "What is happening between you and James?
- Um nothing why?
- Come on Lana i know you." I hesitate before i say "Okay we kissed. But nothing serious it was just umm like a joke i don't know.
- Seriously Lanz? A joke?
- Yeah he said he's the best kisser i will ever kiss and i just tried. Nothing serious.
- Listen Lana. You do whatever you want. But don't do anything because you're angry of Blake." I nodd and just continue my way bringing the things i have too. All i could think about was why was i really doing what i'm doing with James. Because i was angry at Blake? Or because i wanted to have fun?

Once we're back home we prepared dinner and drank wine. I was pretty quiet all the time. "Guys i'm tired i'll go to sleep" i cut their conversation. "You're okay?" James ask. "yeah just tired" i go to bed and sleep

James's pov
Lana suddently got tired and went to sleep. I walk to Chuck and whisper in her ear "Is Lana okay?
- She's probably tired or overthinking. I'll go check on her later, i want her to relax.
- Overthinking?
- Yeah James. She told me." I felt weird and i didn't know what to answer. Then she add "Listen, if Lana is doing this just because she's angry of Blake, you guys should stop. Because she'll regret it and will think about it all the time.
- No no it meant nothing, we just kissed to prove her i'm a better kisser than him.
- Yeah she told me the same. It's just that i don't want her to do stupid stuf just to hurt Blake.
- Yeah i understand. But there is nothing between us don't worry, and i wouldn't do something to hurt her." She smiles to me and we just sit and chill.
When it was time to sleep, i text Chuck "check on Lana please"

Lana's pov:
I slept only 1 hour, i felt Chuck entering the room. I open my eyes and she sits next to me "You're okay?" she ask resting her hand on my shoulder. "yeah why?
- I felt you tired.
- Yeah i was but i'm better now. Thanks.
- Okay if you need anything i'm in the room next door." I nodd and smile to her. Then she go in her room. I stayed on my phone stalking Blake, in case he posted something, just to know he's okay. But no. He didn't. I start to write him a text "Hey Blake, i just wanted to make sure you're okay?" Then delete it before i send it. I'm not the one who should ask him because if he's not it's my fault.

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