Love bites and scratches.

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Harry: He absolutely love to give you love bites, and always tried you to show them, and he gets a bit upset when you cover them, because to him they shows to who you belong.  But the scratches you left on his back reminds him of the fun you two had. Basically he wears them as a trophy.

Zayn: He like how the dark purple love bites you left look with his skin tone, but he always cover them up, because he doesn’t want questions from everyone about it. And sometimes, when someone accidentally sees the love bites he left on your skin, he can’t help but he is a bit proud of himself.

Niall: He never cover them up, because to him your love bites are a sign how much you love him, and that he’s all yours. But they’re just a payback for all the ones he gives you. But he doesn’t understand why you want him to cover the love bites.

Louis: Whenever you left a few scratches on his back he complains until you give him a massage, and when you left love bites, he won’t stop whining about it until you kiss them better. And when you done with that, he gets his revenge.

Liam: He gets embarrassed and covers them up straight away. He always gets a little bit mad at you, but the same time he loves the scratches and love bites you left on his skin. And when he left a love bite or a scratch on your skin, he won’t stop apologizing until you say him, that’s everything fine.

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