He Talks About Your Sex Life.

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Harry: As usual the boys where at your flat spending some time with Harry, everyone is in the bedroom lying around in random spots joking around and messing with each other. "Can I have food?" Niall groans hanging upside down from the bed, with a laugh you excuse yourself to go get some snacks. "So... What's she like?" Liam questioned trying to be subtle with the situation, you bit your lip nervously outside of the door to see what Harry would say. "What do you mean?" Harry questions completely oblivious to Liam's subtle ways. "Sex! Hello!" Louis blurted, you could feel his smirk radiate. "Oh... she's fucking amazing, best I ever had! Look at these scratches!" With red cheeks you run away from the door grabbing a few snacks from the kitchen before returning into the room.

Liam: Niall was staying over your flat for a while because he missed his best friend. You've almost fallen asleep during a movie with the boys which causes them to carry on a typical male conversation. "So, On and Scale of 1 to 7 how good is she in bed?" You, who still want the boys to think your asleep try to keep your cheeks from blushing. "First off, Why 7? it should be like 1 to 10... and she's like a 20. Very Amazing." Niall tries to press for more information but Liam denies him the access more than likely with flushing cheeks.

Louis: It's a typical day at the house you share with Louis. Harry is over and you're getting ready to go out with them, you're about to walk into the living room to ask Lou if he'd seen your sweater when you hear an interesting conversation going on between them. "Screamer?" Harry questions, instantly you know what they're talking about. "Totally." Louis replies smugly, you can feel the smirk on his face as your cheeks grow red. "She scratches to, I bet." Harry chuckles as Louis goes on and on about what's happened between you in the past. You slink back into the bedroom until the redness on your cheeks vanish, then you return to what you'd been doing.

Niall: "Come on!" You hear Louis shout from inside the living area, you're in the bathroom getting ready to go out with the boys when you hear the boys start pressing Niall. "I've heard you all before! Don't pull the virgin thing with me!" Louis shouts again followed by Niall shushing him down. "Fine, She's totally wild! It's insane because You wouldn't think she'd be like... like that but Damn!" He exclaims with a laugh, your cheeks burn pink knowing the boys would tease you about it for the rest of the day.

Zayn: "Fuck," Niall mutters walking into the kitchen with you and Zayn. "What is it Lad?" Niall stares intently at the two of you before shaking his head. "You didn't tell me your house had paper thin walls! My god! You kept me up all night!" Your cheeks burn as you excuse yourself walking into the restroom. "She's that good yeah?" Niall laughs, Zayn chuckles along with him. "Yeah, sorry to keep you up mate." "It's alright, but you should just go harder when she asks you to! would of saved allot of trouble!" You hear Niall shout and you can almost feel him shrug his shoulders. With red cheeks you return to the kitchen.

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